Shadday Potkin: Order 66

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Shadday was currently on Onderon, outside the palace of the now late king Ramsis Dendup. Twi'lek Jedi Master B'inka Fibuna was with her. B'inka had pink skin, and wore traditional brown robes, with a long beige gown underneath them.

B'inka- Do you really believe that soon we will be at peace?

Shadday- I do, and I am faithful that this peace will endure.

B'inka- My sister believes different.

Shadday- Even if you disagree, you must respect each other's opinions.

B'inka- I know, I just hope she comes around on her thoughts.

Shadday- I am cautiously optimistic.

Enter clone commander Riya. His armor had brown stripes, with double stripes down the front of his helmet.

Riya- Sorry generals, the interim king said he'll be out shortly.

Shadday- Thank you Riya.

B'inka- I have heard rumors he is stepping down, is it true?

Riya- Yes general.

B'inka- but who would take command of Onderon?

Shadday- Likely Steela or Saw Gerrera.

B'inka- I see.

Shadday- We should not dwell on this B'inka, focus on the now.

B'inka- Of course.

Shadday- Perhaps it best if we assemble the rookies?

B'inka- Ah, yes. Commander, assemble all the new "shinies" as you call them, we'll want to meet them.

Riya- Yes ma'am.

Shadday- I have to go see what keeps the king in the palace, carry on.

Shadday begins to walk away, but stops and turns around after hearing a beep from Riya's communicator.

Riya- Sorry general.

B'inka- It's quite alright commander.

Riya- We can assemble the shinies after I've answered this.

Shadday- Take your time if you must commander, we are in no rush.

Riya- Thank you general.

Shadday senses something through the force, coming from master Windu. She wasn't sure what, but she knew he was trying to tell her something. Strange, when she searched through the force, this feeling from the force wasn't sent out to the entire Jedi order, mainly all the members of the High council, including Shadday. Back to commander Riya, who answered his holo-transmitter, the hooded form of the Chancellor appeared.

Palpatine- Execute order 66.

Riya- Yes, my lord.

the transmission ends. Back to Shadday, who had now been approached by Steela and Saw, just at the steps of the palace.

Steela- Master Jedi, is something wrong.

Shadday attempts to wave off their concern.

Shadday- No, (shakes her head), it's nothing. I'm sure it's....

However, she senses a major shift in the force, though she didn't know what. When she turned around, she saw B'inka surrounded by her clone troopers, but then another feeling through the force came, the clone's emotions suddenly changed, their intent, was now to kill.

Shadday- (shocked, but sturdy expression and tone), master Fibuna!

B'inka- (turns to Shadday with clear confusion), what is it Shadday?

Though before Shadday can answer her, the clones behind B'inka raised their blasters and opened fire, gunning down the twi'lek Jedi master.

Shadday- (shocked expression), no!

Shadday ignites her yellow lightsaber, deflecting blaster bolts from the clones. Steela had armed her sniper rifle and joined in on the sudden firefight, firing at the clones. She and Saw were clearly also confused as to the sudden betrayal, but there was no current time for questioning. With their help, Shadday quickly killed all the clones, except Riya, who was now on his knees, with her lightsaber to his head.

Shadday- What is the meaning of this, commander?!

Riya- Good...soldiers...follow....orders.

Shadday decapitates him, knowing she would get no information from him. Now, as the sudden betrayal now fills her mind, Shadday can do nothing, nothing but sit in wait for whatever else may come her way.

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