The school records

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Part 3 of Oh baby, why?

*Spoilers for s2 eps 8 & 9. Most of this is literally just what happens in the show.*

This is part 2 of the last one. 'A warning or a threat?'

Honestly, if you've watched the episodes then just skip most of this. I barely changed anything and there is hardly any cute shipy stuff until the end. But I've spent way too much time working on this so I'm not just gonna delete most of it 🙃 there will be a marker if you want to skip everything from the episodes. So keep an eye out for that. And I'm so sorry for how long this is.


"Why are you even still here? You should be halfway to Rosegrave by now. Okay, just deal with Project Midnight, and let me and Chet handle those goobers at Stratemeyer." I hear Joe say as I walk down the stairs, buttoning up my blazer.

"You are taking unnecessary risks." Frank tells him. "I'm gonna be fine." Joe argues."You're going to get caught!" "I'm not going to get caught! Just find The Sleep Room already!" I watch as I walk behind the couch towards them.

"Joe! Could you just--" Frank says trying his best to get through to his brother. "Frank!" Joe yells.

"Guys, enough. Both of you. We gotta go." Callie yells. "Put this on." She turns to Frank handing him his blazer. I stand next to them.

"How do we look?" Callie asks as I pose, showing off my outfit. "You look like a couple of dorks." Biff responds. "You'll fit right in." Joe says. "Be careful." Frank says walking to the door. "You, too." Joe says as we leave.

We hop in the car on our way to Rosegrave Academy. We hardly talk as we prepare ourselves for what we're gonna do.

We walk into the school grounds with fake confidence. "Okay. Um... Keep your head down and try to blend in. These blazers will work from a distance, but if anyone gets too close, we're in trouble." Callie says trying to blend in.

"Not exactly how you saw yourself attending your dream school, huh?" Frank asks. "Yeah, no. The more I learn about Rosegrave, the more it feels like a nightmare." Callie says as I nod along.

"Man, look at these kids. Think they know what really goes on here, that this place is just a recruiting ground for The Circle of The Eye?" Frank asks.

"Why would they?" I ask "They're just pawns in the game, like we were." Callie says.

"Hey, you know that I would have gone and seen my grandma if it meant you getting into prep school. You know that, right?" Frank says seriously. "Yeah. I do now." She responds as we laugh.

"Okay, wh-where's the chapel?" I ask. "Uh, it's in there, but we're not going to the chapel." Callie points. "So, what, you think my vision was just, like, a beacon, pointing us in the right direction?" Frank asks.

"Exactly. We're looking for something near the chapel, something built or modified around the same time as Project Midnight." She says.

"You think the library would have any of those architectural plans or engineering blueprints?" Frank asks confused. "No. The archive does." She says matter of factly. She walks off as Frank smiles at her.

We walk into the archive vaguely looking around.

"Okay, um... Blueprints should be somewhere in here." Callie says. "Think it's filed under 'creepy room' or 'illegal experiment'?" Frank jokes. We laugh and start looking around. "All right." Callie says under her breath.

"What are we looking for, guys?" We hear as the door shuts. We all turn to the door as J.B. walks towards us. "What are you doing here?" Frank and I ask.

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