Besties before idiots (part 2)

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"Hey there, rock angel." I hear someone say behind me.

"Oh, Gabe it's you." I say as I turn around.

"You ready to make me look good?" He asks while rapping his arm over my shoulder.

"That's gonna be kinda hard but I'll definitely try to make you look better." I say taking his arm off my shoulder.

He laughs and starts to walk.

"Where are you going?" I ask and follow him.

"Don't know, uh, maybe we can start at the shops I normally go to?" He says stopping for a moment before starting to walk slightly faster.

"Ok, you can show me what you want and then I can tell you that they look stupid. Sounds like fun." I say as he laughs.


"Ok, come out and show me." I say while sitting on a chair near the changing room.

Gabe walks out in a classic Gabe LaViolet look. I laugh and shake my head.

"Lose the hat, scarf and vest, you dweeb." I say pointing to each item.

"What? But this is my signature look." he says.

"Yeah, and it looks dumb, always has. You look like the younger sibling to a Tumblr girl." I say leaning back in the chair.

He pulls off the items and looks at himself in the mirror.

"I look basic, like a, a, um, a boring person." he says turning back to me.

"Yeah, now we have a base for your new look." I say and look around.

"Uh, try......" I stand up and grab a flannel with a hood. "This. And change the shirt to this black t-shirt." I hand him the stuff.

He goes in to change as I walk around near the changing rooms.

"Hey, you know normally it's the boyfriends out here having to wait and see their girlfriend's clothes." an older gentleman who works at the store says to me.

"Uh, well we're not dating but even if we were it wouldn't matter. He's the one who's more into clothes, so it makes sense he's the one in there." I say trying to be calm and civil.

He just tsks and walks away.

"I just look like you." Gabe says while walking out of the changing room.

"Uh, hmm? Oh yeah, that looks better. Now you look like a real person." I say.

"Hey, I am a real person. You only like it because it's what you'd wear." He huffs.

"True, it's gender neutral and you won't look out of place when you inevitably try to speak to me at school." I say sitting back down.

"Ok, well are you gonna help me find more outfits?" He asks.

"Nah, I honestly didn't even want to be here." I say as he sighs.

"Fine, what about some advice?" He says.

"Uh, if you want to break it down just, wear a combination of black, a flannel, a leather jacket, preferably faux and jeans. If you want to be fancy all four. No hats, no scarves, no vests unless it's a waistcoat for a suit, though less is more so I'd go with no waistcoat. Just basic with the overshirt, jacket or shoes as the statement. Graphic tees are an exception." I say.

Gabe goes and changes back into the clothes he was in earlier and buys the outfit.


"Hey, uh, I didn't mean to be rude back then I just didn't want to be in that store. One of the workers made kinda a sexist comment about how normally it's the guy waiting for the girl to try on clothes. Plus I'm a little hungry." I say as we sit at a table in the food court.

"Oh, that's OK. You could have just told me you wanted to leave." He says.

"I did mean the advice I told you." I say.

"No, I understand. Here let me buy you lunch to make up for it." He says standing up.

"You don't have to." I say standing up as well.

"Well, I was already gonna do it. Now sit down, I'll get us some burgers." He says as he sits me back down and walks to one of the food stores.


"Hey, you've got a little..... here let me get it." Gabe leans across the table to wipe the sauce off my face but then holds my cheek.

I blush, frozen on the spot. He leans in and softly kisses me on the lips. He leans back slowly dragging his fingertips down my cheek and chin, lightly swiping my bottom lip with his thumb before sitting down with a smirk.

I stare at him wide-eyed before darting my eyes to the ground, I laugh slightly. I run my fingers through my hair and laugh some more.

I look at him and shake my head before saying "What the...? I..... Wipe that smirk off your face, you look like a prick."

"What no rejection?" He asks crossing his arms.

"What makes you think you could do that?" I ask ignoring his question.

"I don't know, it just happened in the moment. Plus you seemed to enjoy it." he says with a wink.

"Enjoyed it, I had no time to react, nitwit." I say in disbelief.

"Ah, but you're not denying it."

"Whatever, I'm going home. I'll text you when I know what to say to you." I say grabbing my burger and storming off.

"Y/N wait. Why do you need to leave?" He says as I turn around and stare at him before sighing and walking away.

As I step out of the shopping center I get a ping.

Gabe - I'm sorry

Y/N - No, I'm sorry. I acted rudely. I need to think, TTYL


Ugh ok, so I almost forgot where I wanted this story to go.

I'll try to get one last part of this out but that one will probably be really short.

I'll also try to write it down before I forget again.

If you see anything wrong in this please tell me.

I love you all


Drew X

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