A warning or a threat?

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Part 2 of Oh baby, why?


*This is literally a scene from the episode*






"Not so fast." Uncle Fenton says, from the couch as we walk into the house. We walk into the lounge room.

"If you guys hadn't gone into the woods, Dennis might still be lost. Or worse." He sighs and stands up walking towards us.

"I was wrong to get so angry. I'm sorry." He sighs again. "You're a pretty good detective, Joe. You're both okay, too." He says looking at Frank and me.

Frank laughs. "We still grounded?" He asks.

"Just be smart about it. Protect each other. I can't lose you, too." Uncle Fenton says throwing Frank his car keys.

"You don't gotta worry, Dad." Joe says.

"We're not going anywhere." Frank adds.

"Yeah, we're a team!" I say smiling.

"Come here." Uncle Fenton grabs us in a hug.

"Now, you guys wanna chase down mysteries? You do it right. You do it together. Get upstairs." He sighs once more. "And go to sleep! For once."

"Ah Y/N! Could I speak to you?" Uncle Fenton asks. I nod as I walk back to him, waving the boys upstairs.

"You know going into the woods was dangerous, the boys shouldn't have gone in there." He says disappointed.

"Y-yeah I know. Um, that's why I went with them." I try to explain.

"I understand you probably didn't have a choice but you're older than them... Just look out for them and try to keep them out of trouble." He says looking me in the eyes.

"Always." I reply. He nods me upstairs and I jog to catch up with the boys.

We walk upstairs to the attic, towards the board. We pin some evidence we found onto it.

"Might as well put up the photo of the blue van as well." Frank suggests.

"Yeah?" Joe asks.

"You never know. It might lead to something." Frank says.

"It does." A voice from behind us says.

I clutch the dagger hanging from my waist, under my shirt. We turn around to see J.B. from behind the door, closing it before walking towards us. I sigh letting my hand fall back to my side.

"It belongs to that guy. And I see you don't have a photo of his partner, which is probably for the best 'cause you do not wanna run into her." He says looking at the board and then at us.

"What are you doing here?" Frank asks.

"What happened to your face?" Joe and I both ask.

"This? Don't worry about it. It's not important. Let's just try to focus on the task at hand, okay?" J.B. says pointing to his face before waving it off.

"Which is what? What do you want?" Frank questions.

"Well, I can't believe I'm saying this again, but I am here for The Eye. Okay? The real one. And I know that you have it." J.B. says with his hands on his hips.

"What are you talking about?" Joe says confused.

"What am I talking about? Joey, buddy... Don't play dumb with me, okay?" J.B. says walking to sit on a chair.

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