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after our dogfight training, me and sam head to the ladies locker room. it being just a few steps away from the men's locker room.

when i reach my locker, i immediately strip of my uniform. getting ready to take up hollywood's offer about volleyball.

"so, y/n..." sam turns her head to mine as she starts to do the same as me. i lift my head up, pulling a tanktop over my shoulders. "hm?"

"you and mitchell..are you two finally realizing how blind you are to each other?" the blonde asks, a smirk on her face. i laugh.

"what're you talking about? that was a long time ago, i don't feel like that anymore." i defend, my gut churning at the question.

"why won't you admit it? i know he's still hopelessly devoted to you deep down." she says sheepishly.

"i'm pretty sure he's going out with one of our instructors or something."

sam slams the locker at the sentence, eyes widened. "what?"

"actually it's kind of funny. she has like the same hair as you and-"

"damn. been here only a few hours and everything has turned to shit." she mumbles. i shrug. "not that big of a deal to me. why are you so pissed?"

"i just... well, i mean you two are always this and that. surprised is all. it probably won't last. just like penny benjamin." sam chuckles to herself, and i lift an eyebrow. "you remember that?"

we start to walk out of the room down the hall, "of course i remember that! that was a priceless era. you- very distinctly i remember- were very jealous in the process." sam teases, a smug look on her face.

i huff, rolling my eyes. "it was a rough time for me, okay?"

"yeah, okay, whatever you say." she retorts sarcastically, putting her hands up in defense.


whilst we approach the volleyball net that stands in the sand, i put on my shades. i quickly spot goose and maverick. soon enough, slider and iceman. the others sitting on the sidelines, just watching. looks like the two teams are already playing out a game.

"look who finally made it!" slider calls out as goose dives for the volleyball, making him lose focus and completely eat sand.

"ready to get your asses kicked, losers?" citrus exclaims, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"woah there preppy, you just got here! don't be so enthusiastic!" ice says, a smug grin on his face.

"don't listen to him, he just lost to us two sets in a row." goose stands up, spitting out the foul grain from his mouth.

i snicker a bit, before looking to maverick. catching him staring, i clear my throat. "eyes up here, mav." citrus calls out from behind me, making me shove her playfully. he seems to snap out of it, quickly trying to defend himself. "sam i wasn't-"

"jokes, mr. fly guy. get your ass on the court."

we quickly toss our stuff down, as i put up my hair quickly. peering over my shoulder, i can spot ice and slider talking to each other.

"how about three against three?" slider asks me and citrus, making me shrug. "doesn't matter to me."

"okay checkmate, you're on our team then." slider says. i silently regret saying i don't care, because i don't want to be on a team with them. damnit.

"that's fine." i respond boredly. i can hear citrus let out a excited 'yes!' and run on over to goose and maverick.

walking over to join the two of them, i rub my hands together. slider tosses the ball to me, telling me to serve. i crack my neck. i might just have to carry this team myself.

i throw the ball up into the air, hitting it with my overhand.

the game is very quick to start after that. after three or four rounds, i'm ready to sit my ass down and have a drink.

i hit the ball over the neck, before it comes back with a quick rebound from goose. iceman misses, making it out. i facepalm internally, letting out an exhausted breath. i notice maverick walk back and grab his jacket.

confused, i walk to the other side and run up to him. "where ya headin, mav?" i ask, which makes him turn around in surprise. "i have to take care of a few things." he says simply.

"i know ice and slider suck but you didn't have to leave because of them." i joke, which makes him laugh a little.

"i'll be back, i swear." "mmkay, don't take too long." i punch his shoulder, before walking back to the court. goose looks as confused as i am, holding out his arms. "where's he going?"

"no clue man." i say, placing my hands on my hips. "but im on your guys' team now. sorry slider." i sarcastically salute him.

"no worries checkmate, we'll get you this time." he says, high fiving ice in the meantime.

later that night

for the past days, i've been staying in this house that's been by the beach. close enough to the base so it's only a short drive away. i invited sam to stay with me, since it can get too quiet by myself.

splashing the water on my face, i hear a knock from behind me. i look in the mirror to see sam. she smiles. "im going to bed."

i giver her a small grin back. "okay, goodnight."

the lights shut off in the room behind me. i turn off the bathroom light whilst i exit, walking to my room. closing the door behind me, i scurry to my bed. just as im about to swing my legs over the mattress, a knock on the deck's door sounds.

a figure stands outside of the door. carefully, i open the curtains slightly before scoffing.

"maverick, what the hell are you doing here?" i ask quietly, praying to god sam wouldn't decide to have a sleepover in my room right now.

even in the night, i could see the grin on his face. "i really need to talk to you, do you have a minute?"


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