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"they called US in! that means we're tied for the trophy! y/n, how are you not jumping for joy right now?" sam questions as we get out of the car.

jester called the two of us in for an extra training. along with maverick and goose, and iceman and slider. with all the chaos that has been occurring, it's hard to believe we're less than two weeks away from graduation.

five weeks goes by fast. although it's been almost five long weeks, it feels like i just got here.

since we're less than a week away from graduation, it's obvious to know that we're competing for solely points. we've learned everything we could possibly learn, and they ask just a few pilots to come in? suspicious.

"earth to y/n, hello?" sam waves her hand in-front of my face. i jump a bit, startled from my train of thought. "huh? oh, yeah!" i chuckle nervously, rubbing the back of my neck.

she winces at me.

"is this about your little reunion with maverick? is he gonna throw your train of thought off today? we could be the first female pilots on that plaque!"

i widen my eyes when she says that sentence. i totally forgot about that.

"stop it, you're making me nervous now." i reply sheepishly, closing my car door as we start to walk towards the building. this seems to humor her, as she laughs wholeheartedly.

"we'll be just fine. you're one of the finest pilots i know, and shit, i've known a lot of pilots!" sam smiles at me, nudging me.

i shake my head. "you're biased."

"she's not wrong." someone else calls from behind, making both of us whip our heads around. only to reveal the infamous blonde who had taunted me only nights before; walking along with his RIO.

"iceman," sam grins, crossing her arms, "i thought you would've been top of the charts by now? not doing so well at top gun, huh?" she teases.

"please, sam, call me tom. we're not flying quite yet." he replies in a flirtatious tone, which makes me gag internally. his staring gaze rests upon me, which makes me look down. slider chuckles beside him, in on the gig.

sam seems to notice, nodding her head. "okay, tom, well don't think i haven't-"

"no need to chitchat before this fantastic opportunity." i interject their conversation, hooking my arm with sam's protectively. "we'll see you inside- or we won't!"

as i practically drag sam away, she looks at me in worry. "you alright? i know he's an ass, but i-"

i grumble under my breath, swinging open the doors. "we shouldn't want to talk to him."

sam stops me in my tracks, pulling away.
"is he still threatening you? y/n, i can handle him for you real quick. just because he thinks he's all that..."

as i catch maverick and goose walking down the hall, i shake my head frantically. "it's fine. i'm fine! he just- i just-" i struggle to get my words out, trying to think of something other than the obvious that happened a few nights before. i fail to succeed in my job before the two reach us.

"goodmorning ladies," goose greets, flashing a smile which brings me back to earth.

sam realizes our conversation about iceman is over, and turns to goose. "hello gentlemen. ready to get your asses kicked?"

"oh, man. how'd you know?" maverick says sarcastically, clutching his heart. it earns a small chuckle from us. i smile, relieved for my friends' lighthearted jokes- even though we're competitors.

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