Chapter Thirty-Six

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Taylor drove home that afternoon with a little more spring in her step. Despite this morning's heated disagreement between Matthew and Adrienne, the pair of them had reconciled by lunchtime, and the gang was lively and vibrant as it always was. Adrienne had sat next to her at lunch for the first time in what seemed like forever, at least since they had broken up. While she was positive that Adrienne hadn't gotten over her any more than Taylor had gotten over Adrienne, which was not a bit, it seemed that they had both put that aside and were genuinely elated to be in each other's company for the day.

Taylor walked into the house through the garage and went over to the foyer to lay her backpack down. She pulled her phone from the front pocket and went into the kitchen to grab herself an after-school snack. Baby carrots and ranch was as good a snack as any.

Taylor opened her phone lock screen and looked at the Messages icon on her home screen. She couldn't help but want to pick up where she and Adrienne had left off. She tapped into the app and picked the conversation thread between herself and Adrienne.

[Taylor]: I really enjoyed being around you today.

Taylor smiled to herself after sending that message. She heard her phone ding with a reply.

[Adrienne]: I enjoyed it more than I can possibly say. It felt normal

[Taylor]: It felt incredibly normal. I just wanted to bask in it for as long as I could.

[Adrienne]: It's hard when reality sets in, when I know I can't pull you close to me

[Taylor]: I wanted to be in your arms all day.

[Adrienne]: :(

[Taylor]: I'm sorry. I'll stop.

[Adrienne]: I want you to but don't want you to at the same time. I don't want to rehash the issue

[Taylor]: There will be a day when it makes sense.

[Adrienne]: I'm not going to hold my breath. I miss you, Taylor

[Taylor]: I miss you, too.

As Taylor ended her conversation with Adrienne, she found another message had come through. She took a carrot, dipped it in her ranch, and chomped down as she opened up the other conversation thread pending in her messages. It was from an unknown number. Bet I know who this is.

[Samuel]: Taylor, please meet us at the house this evening. We have much to do. Love, Samuel.

Taylor laughed seeing Samuel sign his message with love. It was inarguably the cutest thing she'd seen or heard Samuel do.

Sandra came waltzing through the front door and flipped her sunglasses onto the top of her head. Taylor turned around in her chair at the kitchen table.

"You're home early," Taylor said to her.

"I'm just over this day, Sweetie. I've got court tomorrow, and I just need the rest of the day to clear my head."

"I'm sorry, Sandra."

"It's OK. More importantly, how was your day, Sweetheart?"

"Surprisingly not bad. School was school, but it was great seeing all of my friends and Adrienne."

"Did you get to talk to Adrienne a little more than normal?"

Taylor nodded and smiled. "It was great just being able to be around her and talk to her and feel normal about it."

"I know you miss that so much."

"We're just trying not to concentrate on what we're not and focus on how good it felt to just be around each other."

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