Chapter Thirty-Two

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Taylor quickly fled up the stairs to her bedroom for the evening. No matter where Taylor was, if she wasn't at home, she always felt odd using other people's stuff— their linens and blankets, even the towels and washcloths for the showers she took. While she was more at home in the Hamilton household and knew that this feeling would continue to grow with time, she still took more care in everything she did with their possessions.

After she changed into her sleepwear, she heard the familiar slide of the window being pushed open. Dammit. Really?! She turned around to find Samuel in the room.

"Surely, you know how weird it is that you turn up in a bedroom everywhere I go."

"Taylor, it is really the only room of a house that I can almost guarantee that you are alone."

"Why are you here?"

"Your training must continue, even in the midst of such human festivities," Samuel said to her.

"I can't even get a few days for a family break?" Taylor asked him.

"Taylor, the demon we have often referred to will be closing in upon Adrienne soon, in mere weeks. We must continue your training no matter where you are."

"I have to get up early, Samuel. I'm doing something with Sandra and Barbara."

"I understand you may have plans, Taylor. But you and I both know you don't need as much sleep as you think you do."

"I enjoy sleeping, Samuel. I enjoy feeling adequately rested."

"I'm sorry, Taylor," Samuel simply said.

"Fine. Let's go," Taylor said, putting a hoodie on to fight off some of the cold that had settled in at nightfall.

"Sarai has warmed up the location we are currently inhabiting so that you will not be cold. Just follow me."

"How sweet of her," Taylor said with contempt. She wondered where they were holing up now.

Taylor followed Samuel out of the window into the brisk, November air. Taylor at least found some excitement in the new scenery beneath her.

"It is quite remarkable in this part of the state, isn't it?" Samuel asked flying next to her.

Taylor was rather taken aback by this question. "Admiring nature now, Samuel?"

"I have learned to admire beauty where I see it," Samuel said.

"Definitely did not see that coming," Taylor told him.

"Down here in this large industrial building is where we are currently congregating," Samuel said pointing to the building, oblivious to Taylor's surprise.

"So, it's an old warehouse?" Taylor asked him.

"If this is how you refer to such buildings, then yes, a warehouse," Samuel said to her.

They flew into the building, knocking the large set of double doors down with the force of their flight. Taylor landed on the concrete floor on one of her knees, her other leg kicked behind her.

"You are getting much stronger, Taylor," Sarai said, coming over to greet her arrival.

"I'm also supposed to be in bed right now, gathering my strength through sleep," Taylor commented.

"It is inconvenient, I'm sure, but you have a job to do."

"I know. I'm just feeling a little snarky right now."

Sarai and Samuel looked at each other, both unsure of Taylor's vocabulary.

"It means you're feeling upset and you have an attitude about it," Taylor defined for them.

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