Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The songs switched again, this time to a more jovial tune. Adrienne took Taylor's hand again and pulled her over to the table where they sat back down.

"You didn't want to dance with me anymore?" Taylor asked Adrienne.

"Oh, I do. I could all night. But that's not a good idea," Adrienne laughed. She went silent, thinking, and looked at Taylor again. "You really can't tell me anything?"


"I know, I know. It was worth a try. I'm going to go get a drink. Want one?"

"Please," Taylor said to her timidly.

Adrienne got up from the table, and Taylor watched her walk all the way over to the drink station at the end of the refreshments table. Taylor could see every curve in Adrienne's body in that costume, her hips rocking back and forth as she moved. Taylor thought the little tail was a nice touch. She looked away and decided to observe everything else that was going on around her. Matthew and Kelsey were making out in the middle of the dance floor. Wow.

Adrienne returned to the table with two small cups of punch and set them down. She looked down at Taylor and then in the direction of where Taylor's gaze was. "I told you it was escalating quickly, huh?" Adrienne asked, laughing. "We're going to have another Grant and Rhiannon on our hands."

"Yep! But they really do go together, don't they?" Taylor asked her, still staring at them.

"They do. Like mashed potatoes and gravy. I'm just glad Kelsey didn't keep up this whole 'dropping hints' thing she was going for. Matthew is oblivious to most things. Where are Lizzie and Beth?"

"I haven't seen them in a little while. Not since we sat down at the table."

"Probably keeping their distance," Adrienne said to her, taking a sip of her punch.

"Why would they do that?" Taylor asked looking at her.

"They think we're drama because we still have feelings for each other," Adrienne told her frankly.

"It's only drama if we make it drama."

"That's true. We've done a good job of keeping drama out of it. But I'm sure when they saw me dancing with you, they knew I would want to kiss you right there."

Excitement bubbled and then waned as quickly as it came on. Taylor looked over at Adrienne. "I... don't even know how to respond to that."

"Hey, guys!" they heard Grant say.

Taylor and Adrienne continued looking at one another for several, long seconds.

"Did we interrupt a staring contest?" Grant asked them.

Adrienne broke away first and looked up at Grant and Rhiannon. "Hey! Sorry."

"No problem. What are you guys... uh... talking about?"

"Nothing. Just discussing our drama-free atmosphere, even though Lizzie and Beth obviously feel like there is one."

"They're over there talking to Jeremy and Luke," Rhiannon told them. "I don't think they're too worried about drama at the moment."

"Jeremy and Luke are Lizzie and Beth's play things," Adrienne told Taylor.

"Adrienne..." Rhiannon glared at her.

"Sorry, I was only joking. They're both genuinely interested in Jeremy and Luke," Adrienne corrected herself. "Respectively," she added.

"You sound less like you're trying to joke and more like you're being bitter," Rhiannon told her.

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