Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The school Halloween dance was approaching, and Taylor felt a tinge of regret at breaking up with Adrienne, in light of an occasion such as this. Adrienne had been very gracious, and had talked the whole group into allowing Taylor back into the circle. Taylor had spent time with all of them in the cafeteria at lunch and had been out with them on the regular Tuesday night dinners. However, the rapport between Taylor and the rest of the group had been diminished, not to mention the awkwardness that developed between her and Adrienne. Adrienne was still plenty accommodating, but there was a persistent wedge between the both of them.

Now, with the Halloween dance upon them, just 2 short days away, Taylor was in an unenviable position. She had no one else that she felt she could ask to go as her date. She had all but given up on the prospect of even going. What would be the purpose of going if she couldn't go with the person she wanted to go with?

Taylor walked out the front doors of the school to meet the rest of the group outside. Taylor walked up to them, the seven of them in their jackets, fighting the cold that was still sneaking upon them.

Matthew looked over at her and gave her one of his goofy smiles as she approached the group. "Hi, Taylor."

Everyone else was quiet and looking at her for an answer. "Hey, Matthew... what's up?" Taylor asked him, smiling nervously.

"Will you go to the Halloween dance with me this Friday?" Matthew asked her, looking down and appearing suddenly shy.

Taylor could see Kelsey's face in her periphery. She was scowling. "What?!" Taylor asked him.

"Are you really going to make me ask again?"

"Why are you asking me?" Taylor was hyper-aware of the quiet that had engulfed the group as everyone waited for Taylor's answer.

"I don't know, Taylor. You're nice, and I think you're pretty."

"Matt, you are a really sweet guy, and any girl would be lucky to go with you, but I think I'm going to sit out on the dance altogether."

"Fine," Matthew said, and he walked away from the group to the parking lot where his truck was.

Kelsey's scowl was replaced with a look of relief. Everyone else was still quiet, unsure how to respond.

Lizzie decided to break the silence. "Well, Kelsey... now maybe you can ask him to the dance."

"Liz, what sense does it make for me to ask him when he's supposed to ask me?" Kelsey responded.

"Who says a guy has to ask a girl? Why can't a girl ask a guy? Why should you wait around for a clueless guy to get a clue? You have the power, Kelsey. Use it!" Lizzie stomped off towards the parking lot, clearly flustered with Kelsey.

"Well, we're going to go home, too, I guess," Rhiannon said to them, waving at them as she and Grant headed towards Grant's car.

Beth and Kelsey followed suit without saying anything at all. Only Adrienne and Taylor were left standing in their spot.

"So you're not going to go to the dance?" Adrienne asked her. "It would be your first one here at Aurora."

"What would be the point?" Taylor asked Adrienne.

"I don't know— to be with your friends, hang out, have a good time, live a little?"

"Everyone is looking for a date."

"I'm not, Lizzie's not, Beth's not. Plus, I'm sure with Lizzie jumping on Kelsey's ass, Kelsey will probably break down and ask Matthew. He will say yes, and that whole situation will be resolved. You don't have to skip out because you told him 'No,'" Adrienne told her.

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