Dead in His Sleep

14 4 7

Regulus Pierce Rowe

Moonlight glinted on Andromeda's dagger as it flashed by my head, stabbing into the tree I was leaning against.

"I swear if you ask me what the plan is one more goddamn time," her voice was rising louder, "I'm going to slit your throat."

"We've been wandering the woods for hours, Andromeda," I protested, crossing my arms as she came closer to me. She pulled the dagger out of the tree with a yank, my sword still held in her other hand as she didn't want to give it back to me. Claimed I would kill her even though I hadn't said anything nearly as violent as the ones she had said whilst we hiked through the dense foliage.

Andromeda scowled, "I never asked you to follow me, did I? Well go back to your fancy castle where you have a perfect life or get yourself killed by Theodore, do something that isn't related to me. I've got enough of my own problems without you, thank you very much."

"You jumped off a cliff, what was I supposed to do, let you die?" I didn't add that she was the reason Theodore had tried to kill me in the past.

She pointed the dagger at me, "I wish you would've so I wouldn't have to deal with you."

I took the tip of the dagger's blade and maneuvered it away from me, "You're stuck with me, sorry. I actually need to have a talk with our dear Theo so don't flatter yourself into thinking I willingly wanted to save your life."

I didn't lie, partly. Before Andromeda's timely capture, I had already been planning on going to set out in the coming month with a sword in hand to kill Theodore before he used Andromeda as another pawn in a wicked game of chess. He thought I was stupid, allowing Thalor to keep Andromeda because he thought it would all work out, but I was far from it. He had a plan to use her and her power that she strangely hadn't used, against the other kingdoms. By wedding her, it would seal a part of the plan.

How so, I didn't know but I had intercepted a message between him and an unknown correspondent to allow me to know all of this information. Theodore was planning a war and I was going to stop it...

If I could ever convince Andromeda to trust me instead of that bastard.

She snorted, "Dear? What, are you married to him?"

I raised an eyebrow, "No, darling, but you are."

Her expression dulled, a sullen look coming over her. She turned away from me and muttered, "Supposed to."

Not if I have anything to say about it. Or kill, for that matter.

Andromeda Claire Holloway

I had a plan. One that originally didn't involve Regulus, one that would work if he was dead or alive as long as he didn't interfere. Preferably dead but you don't get everything you want in life.

An escape through the woods directly next to the palace wouldn't be practical as they would have more guards stationed there. By jumping off the cliff, I would be at the edge of the west side of the woods, simply needing to climb a hill to be where I needed to be. By sticking to this side, I could skirt very narrowly around these hound-like guards. One benefit of Regulus following me would be that there would be less likely to be soldiers after us, mostly me, especially after he had called them off.

Another would be I could kill him if he started getting annoying, take his shirt with the Thalor emblem emblazoned on it, and use it to pass through the territory safely before crossing the border to Riseria and slipping my cloak with the royal seal back on.

He would surely end up dead in his sleep if he didn't shut up.

I walked a few paces ahead of him, trailing his heavy sword behind me, randomly swinging it over the dirt so a plume would be sent Regulus' way. His comment about Theodore had jarred me and I no longer wanted to converse with him. He could have intercourse with one of the "village ladies" for all I cared, as long as I didn't have to hear, see, or be near him, gladly staying more than the one-foot line I had set.

But we were going to have to find a place to sleep tonight and that would mean talking to him. I internally groaned but stopped short when I no longer heard the sound of trudging footsteps behind me. I whirled around to see Regulus looking at a place to the right, a small trail leading from where we were walking to a building, its windows filled with light. Peering curiously at it, I noticed a small, wooden sign hanging from a tree a good few feet away. The word "tavern" was boldly printed on it and I looked at Regulus.

"Maybe they have a room or something we could stay in?" he asked, looking at it.

"We don't have any money," I said. "Besides it's too risky to go in there and-"

He fished in his pocket before triumphantly pulling out a velvet pouch, "You were saying?" Before I could say anything, he had already set out down the trail. Regulus turned back and smirked, "A prince always pays well."




The clamoring of the tavern grew increasingly as more drinks were poured and toasted, as more food was served and shared, a stark difference to the silent meals Theodore and I had shared back at his castle. I cradled a mug of beer, sitting by the fire and watching Regulus slowly stack gleaming gold coins onto the bartender's counter, bribery for two rooms upstairs. I prayed that it would be two rooms like I had asked him because I was in no way going to share a room much less a bed with him, not for all the money in the world.

He slid into the seat in front of me, dangling two keys in one hand and a plate of rolls in the other. Regulus tossed a key at me and I caught it easily, setting down my beer to examine it. I looked up to see him casually drinking it, wearing a smirk I wanted to slap off his lips. He held it out to me, licking his bottom lip, "Want it?"

I glared at him heatedly, spreading some of the rich goat cheese that rested on the platter he had brought onto one of the still-warm rolls. I lifted it up to take a bite, my mouth watering, just to watch Regulus snatch it out of my hand and take a bite out of it. His mouth still full, humor dancing in his dark eyes, he said, "Thanks."

Gritting my teeth, I grabbed two more rolls, balancing them in one hand with the key in the other. I pushed away from the table and after getting to the stairs leading to the rooms upstairs he yelled-

"Goodnight, darling!"

All eyes turned to and I stared at him and his cocky grin before I shouted back-

"I'm going to murder you in your sleep with a damn butter knife if you don't SHUT UP!"



Another chapter for you, my darling Ravens! Remember to vote, comment, and read! (Leah has the comment part covered completely, let me just say :) )



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