Flame-Tipped Arrows

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Then the arrows came flying.

Flame-tipped arrows to be exact.

Panic erupted through the ballroom, the music coming to a jarring stop, and shrieks taking its place. The stranger and I locked eyes and I yelled above the roaring crowd, "It's an assassination attempt, it has to be."

He said something too quietly for me to hear before cursing and then turning back to me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a window just as an arrow came whizzing past my head. The fire snubbed out as it hit the floor, and I was surprised none of them had hit their target yet. They weren't aiming for the people attending the ball, no, they were targeting someone in particular. Theodore.

Suddenly, I heard a string let loose, and before I could react, the stranger jumped in front of me, saving my life. I could see the arrow quickly approaching but it was like everything was slowed. The stranger thrust up his hand and acted like he was grabbing the arrow. Suddenly, it altered where it was going and shifted to the side. Not mind control, a protection spell. Only people with a bloodline rooted in Riseria could do such spells.

Not casting me a backward glance, he darted towards the window on the right side. Swinging himself over the ledge, he vanished from my line of sight. The ball gown weighed me down as I attempted to race after him, running towards the window. I saw a dark outline a little ways from the castle and it looked like he was watching me.

I pulled myself over the window and ran towards him, away from the chaos still erupting in the ballroom. He turned to leave but I grabbed his hand and asked, "What do they want?"

"The king."

I hugged my arms around myself in protest against the cold night air as I watched him take a few steps back. But it wasn't just the cold, and I shivered as a chill ran through my spine. A pang in my head made the migraine I was developing worse but I still stepped closer to the stranger. I could only see the stranger's silhouette now as he kept backing up.

Just as he disappeared into the surrounding treeline I called out, "Why?"

"I'll tell you the next time I see you," and with a wink, he was gone, taking his magic and mystery right along with him.

I debated going after him but stopped as I could feel my legs growing weaker under me and my head starting to spin. Forcing myself to stand, I attempted to make my way back to the castle, in my delirious state also forgetting the attack. Black spots started filling my vision and I wobbled. The pang in my head started growing, resounding again and again like a ping pong ball bouncing around in my mind.

Just as I blacked out, the stranger's cocky words came back to me, just as clear and I could almost feel him watching me. Except... they were altered.

"Every girl falls for me. And you will too."




I awoke to find myself lying in a bed, not the one in the bedroom I had been staying in, but a different one. A hospital wing of sorts, like the one in the Harry Potter series. Giving a slight whimper, my head was still throbbing, I pulled myself up to look around and see if I was the only person there. I wasn't. Far from it.

The beds were filled with other wounded guests, with what looked like burn marks marking all of their bodies. A sick feeling rolled through me because some of them looked like they should belong in a coffin by now. What had happened?

"You're awake!" Cassie's voice filled the dead silence and she came into view.

"Cassie," I started, "who did this?"

Her face went serious and she gripped my hand, "Thalor attacked. Let's say they aren't too happy you're back in the game, nor that you're set to marry Theodore."

Thalor. Thalor attacked and tried to kill Theodore, and set the kingdoms to war. Oh, Theodore. I peered at Cassie, "Did Theodore survive? Are you okay? How many people are dead?"

"No one, yet. The king is alive, he's staying in his room which is heavily guarded against another attack. The people staying here can't return to their kingdoms until we're sure the danger has passed."

"Are they declaring war?"

Cassie shook her head, "I pray that they don't but with Thalor... I don't know. Anything is possible, especially because they found a way through our shields."

"Shields. Riseria's protection spells provide a bubble of sorts around the kingdom."

My mind flashed to the stranger, how he had saved my life, and then disappeared. I felt the same pain shoot through me, so sharp that it made me take a breath. How had he gotten out of the kingdom with the shields?

"Cassie, where did you find me?"

"Outside of the castle. They said you passed out due to the smoke."

I leaned in, our faces inches apart, "Cassie, someone saved me."

Her eyes opened wide, "Who was it?"

"Tall, about Theodore tall. Dark-brown, wavy hair and blue eyes. He manipulated the arrow that was shot at us, we were dancing together at the time of the attack, and it wasn't witchcraft. It was a protection spell, I swear it was, meaning he has Riseria heritage-"

She paled, "Did he look like Theodore?"

"A little bit but-"

"Andromeda," she looked like she had seen a ghost, "that was Regulus."

The pain in my head was burning now as she slowly said, "He's Theodore's half-brother."


"He's Thalor's prince and the one who is behind the attack." 



A shorter chapter but a vital one. Now we know who the mystery man is, don't we? I personally love the name Regulus because it gives off dark academia vibes but is also the name of an HP character! He saved her life but for what? It seems more like he was trying to kill her, didn't it?

Also, can y'all show some more love for @theleahfisher! Give her some support because she's been such a wonderful person in the life of this story! Love your story btw, and I can't wait to see where the journey will take you! Sending my love+support to you in Canada all the way from Georgia!  

My last update for the week because I'm leaving for Florida tomorrow and probably won't be able to get on and write! Love y'all!


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