Curses and Hexes

16 5 2

Andromeda Claire Holloway

As if on cue, a bell's ringing tone sounded out. Cassie jumped up and pulled up by the hand with her. Questions were rushing through my mind but Cassie quickly said, "I'll try to answer anything later. I have to help prepare the table for dinner."

She pulled me out of the library door quickly, her black hair knocking me in the face. I spit out a lock of it and she gave me a bashful smile, "Sorry."

"It's fine," we were approaching the stairs now and I asked her, "Can we slide down the banister?" I had a nagging urge to do so and the twisting railing wasn't helping.

"I haven't done that in a while so why not?" Running to the stairs, I swung myself over to sit sideways, trailing my backhand behind me for some stability. I leaned back slightly and looked at Cassie who had pulled her dress up to keep it from catching.

She gave me a nod and I said, "Go in 3. 2. 1!" I pushed off and the force knocked me back but I didn't fall off. I would have most likely died falling to the first floor if I had. The banister was smooth, allowing for a quick descent onto the main level. Instead of waiting for the end, I jumped, wobbling for a second before gaining my balance, and racing Cassie, who was still sliding down the banister, down the rest of the stairs.

"I won, Solace!" I made myself glide on the waxed floor like it was a skating rink as I waited for her to reach the end.

She grabbed me and cried out, "The floor was freshly waxed today, don't mess it up." Stopping quickly, I glanced at the scuffs I had left.

She looked at them too and said, "Franny's going to murder me now."

"She'll never know if you don't bring it up."

Cassie grinned, "And if I do bring it up, I'll blame it all on you."

"She already hates me so it won't make much of a difference."

She shrugged and gasped, "I forgot to show you to a room. And you don't even look ready for a formal dinner with the king. I'm certainly dead now."

I looked at my outfit- a pair of jeans with a smiley face I had drawn on with a Sharpie and an oversized green sweater, "What's wrong with this?"

Cassie shook her head, "I'm surprised the people in the village weren't already burning you at the stake for wearing such un-presentable like clothing."

I bit back a response, she was just being honest using the mindset the era and world this book was set in had taught her. I was out of place after all so it wasn't her fault. She was just brutally honest, like me in a way. Cassie must've noticed the expression I was making because she quickly began to apologize but I said, "It's okay. I am quite an odd sight in this place aren't I?"

She breathed out a sigh. The bell started ringing again along with an angry, muffled shout. Cassie pulled away and began running towards a hallway to the right. She looked back and yelled, "Make sure you're in the dining room in 10 minutes, or else you will be attending my funeral! The corridor on the left will lead you there, the 4th door on the left."

She dashed off, muttering something under her breath. Wandering towards where she had instructed me to go, I became lost in my thoughts. I knew about all of the magic systems in each kingdom as they were explained in the book- Riseria's supposed to be just protection spells. The neighbor across the mountain peaks, Thalor, was curses and hexes; opposite of Riseria's so in a way it made some sense. Alaver, the kingdom that was a peninsula and known for its fishing industry, could manipulate water. Ceraea was mind control, on the verge of being dangerous, and not helping also to be the neighbor of Thalor. Together, they could win any war against any of the other kingdoms. Lumar was the final kingdom, the one that was sometimes easily forgotten and strong allies with Riseria and Alaver, having weather control.

Burntout had gone into thorough detail about each kingdom but I couldn't compare it with now, this world had changed since the book had been written. Or was it already existing and something about my entrance into the other world had blurred the lines, so to speak? I thought back to the mysterious portal book and how it was about Burntout. I had never minded anything about the author of the book and since I had been quickly acquainted with Mr. Anderson, I hadn't put any thought into what a coincidence it was.

He was the author though, everything lined up. The day I had gone in for the auction, a girl named Samatha had run up to me and excitedly introduced herself. She had said she would be so happy if I was the new owner, she had said that to every person. After that, Samantha introduced herself as Mr. Anderson's niece.

She was the one who inspired my character. Mr. Anderson probably knew I was one of his fictional characters.

I palmed my forehead, sometimes I was so stupid. It had taken me so long to figure out one thing about myself and now it was too late for me to go and ask this man, "Hey, Mr. Anderson, I'm one of the characters you made and I just want to know, how did I end up in this world?"




Pulling my hair away from my face, I entered the dining room. Theodore was already there, sitting at the head of the long table. He looked up from the book he was reading as I took my seat at the other end of the table. I nervously picked my fingernails, contemplating if I should tell him about the discovery I had made or not.

I decided against it because something about the way he was looking at me made me squirm in my seat. A kind of uncertain but gleefully proud of your self-expression. He must've noticed my actions because he covered the look he was making with a more cordial expression. Theodore closed the book and politely asked, "Did the tour go well?"

"We only got to the library and Cassie told me about-"

"That old place? That's where you wanted to go first? You could've gone to any of the drawing rooms, why-"

I scoffed, "She told me about my father. When were you going to tell me about how he hasn't been seen in years? You should've told me that when we were in the cafe!"

His expression fell into a look of disgust but only for a brief second before turning into a sympathetic one, " I was going to tell you, later on, after you had some time to settle in."

Just as I was going to say something, a very offending remark, Cassie waltzed in balancing a platter in each hand. She must've noticed the looks we were giving each other because she said, "So sorry King Laurier, the cake won't be ready in time but everything else is."

Setting the dishes on the platter onto the table she gave me a questioning look. I just shook my head and mouthed I'll tell you later. She mouthed back You better. With that she walked out, leaving me to suffocate in the tension between Theodore and me.



This chapter is honestly just a filler chapter and I lowkey kind of hate it but it's too late now. Wait around for about 1 or 2 more chapters and I'm going to introduce a new character's POV. I'll leave you to guess who it will be... (Hint: Not one of the characters I've already introduced though I would love a Cassie POV :) )

Now onto my thank you's!!! Thank you to all of my silent readers who have stayed along for the journey. Every time I post a new chapter and I don't get any comments or anything but I see that someone read the chapter, it makes me so happy to know that you read it, especially when I check the stats and see you've finished the chapter.  Sending all of my love your way!

I've made a Spotify playlist for this book! Feel free to check it out:

Remember to vote, comment, and read! #VOCOR


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