I Wouldn't Let Her Die

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Andromeda Claire Holloway

I held the thin object in the light, the key to my escape from this place, the key he had given me. All was silent except for my breathing, taken aback by the gift I had just been given. "Why?" I muttered to myself quietly. He had saved me. He had saved me from whatever faith he had been talking about, a faith worse than poison.

Regulus wanted me to live.

Gripping it shakily, I stood up, padding barefoot towards the door. I didn't have a plan to escape, no knowledge of the castle's layout nor did I have anyone to guide me. I couldn't trust Regulus, even if he had given me the hairpin, I still didn't trust him not to turn on me, especially after all that he had done to me. Why did he want to suddenly help me?

But yet, he sounded so feeble, like he knew somebody was out for me, not just him...

I felt the truth sinking in, his words echoing, "You would've lost your chance to escape." Somebody wanted me gone, dead, and Regulus wanted me to at least have a chance to outwit my doom. If not, whoever they was, would kill him as well.

"But why?" I asked again, grasping the pin tighter. Taking a deep breath, calming my nerves just enough for me to remember the steps to picking a lock.

Inserting the object into the lock I could tell it was a twisting mechanism, I would have to set all of the pins. Quickly, I said a silent prayer that I would get this on the first attempt because I had a sinking feeling I would run out of time. Twisting the hairpin, I heard a faint click and I allowed myself a small smile of satisfaction.

Brushing my dirty hair away from my face, I prepared to do the next step. Most doors had two screws. Since this was a keyhole, I knew the pin would work best because of the ridges that would be able to set the key, further allowing me to twist it. Licking my cracked lips, I formed the pin into a tension wrench by bending it into an "L" shape. Pushing the tension wrench to the bottom of the keyhole, I twisted it.

The tension on the lock released and I let out a sigh of relief. It had worked.

I was free.

Warily, I pushed open the door, the loud creek making me cringe. Glancing out, I saw the stairs to my right and the torch-lit corridor to my left. I stepped out, carefully putting my feet onto the ice-cold floor, prepared for traps to set off. Nothing. I looked down at my grimy feet, the unmistakable glint of metal catching my eye. Lying beside my feet was the tip of my dagger. Shocked I bent down to pick it up, wondering how it had gotten there-

Just as I heard the sound of heavy footsteps and a sword unsheathing.

Regulus Pierce Rowe

I wanted her to live.

That's why I had given her one of the maid's hairpins. Because no matter how badly she had hurt me, no matter how many evenings she had made me spend punching my pillow, no matter how many times I had told myself I would never fall for her again- I still found myself drawn to her like a fly to honey. 

And the flashbacks of the day when she didn't hate me, the days her whole face would glow when we talked; always hurt the most. Because, happy memories always cause the most pain, especially when they're of a person that betrayed you.

She wouldn't die, though. My mother wanted her gone, a letter she had sent me had told me that. I was supposed to be the hunter. I was meant to kill her. Andromeda's blood was meant to be on my hands. But no matter where she went, whoever wanted to kill her, through it all I would end up being there. And no matter how much I wanted to struggle against it, the red string of faith kept bringing me back to her.

I snapped out of my thoughts, her name repeating like a heartbeat in my mind, as I remembered what was supposed to happen. Any minute now, I would be off, the lead of the chase to "recapture" Andromeda with the other guards. Why I was only a little ways away from the staircase, prepared to lead. Leaning against the wall, I went over the plan in my head.

The woods were right ahead of where the chase ould lead us, meaning Andromeda would escape through there. I would catch her sleeve to set in the act well enough, pretend to stumble and let her go. She would be free and I would be alone again. Going after her wasn't an option unless I wanted to get both of us killed.

Yet, in my mind, I vowed as I listened for the familiar sound of the dungeon door, "Only if she's in a situation where she would die, I'll go with her."

There it was. The quiet creek echoed up the stairwell and the guards immediately straightened, their hands moving to the hilts of their swords as they looked to me for further instruction. Playing into the role of the prince who wanted her dead, I mouthed, "Two of you, get Rhian. Quickly now, I need the captain of the liege." The two I had pointed at set off with nods. I turned to the other three, "The rest of you, with me."

We descended the stairs slowly. My pulse had quickened, my heart practically beating out of my chest. I unsheathed my sword, the sound filling the silence. The other guards followed suit and I hoped that they covered the sound of Andromeda's footsteps, which could be heard faintly against the stone floor.

Buying time for her, I held up my hand, one finger pressed against my lips. Just in time, Rhian appeared, flanked by the two guards I had sent. All of their swords were drawn and Rhian looked at me, mouthing, "Andromeda?"

I nodded my head and he immediately clenched his jaw. He took his place beside, pushing the other men out of the way. Giving a cold stare to each of them he said, "Capture her."

Then, we were off me in the front with Rhian a few paces behind. I could Andromeda, her figure only a shadow in the dimly lit hallway. But it was the string of curses she released when she realized we were on her heel that gave her away.

Turning corner after corner, never quite catching up to the minx, I could finally see the light at the end-the exit to this part of the castle. Andromeda must've seen it as well because she began sprinting faster. The men were shouting behind me but I didn't care. They could sit on their swords as long as Andromeda wasn't taken again.

The charge had led to the border of the forest and just as I reached her, she changed directions, instead, heading for the cliffs. My legs were burning now as the salty wind whipped her brown hair behind her. The others were far behind me now, the plan falling apart with every step we took. 

Andromeda whipped around, at the very edge of where the drop was. Her gaze settled on mine for a brief second before they looked down at her dagger, the one I had left for her to find, in her clenched hand. She looked back up and at me one last time. Before I could react, even say a word, she was gone.

She had jumped off the cliff.

A force propelled me forwards, toward the edge. I looked back at the figures in the distance who had stopped, watching me. I yelled at the lead figure, Rhian, "I'll get her!" before pulling off my blue jacket, leaving me in my white shirt. I backed up, taking one last look at the men.

I broke into a run, jumping off the brink of the cliff.

I wouldn't let her die.



I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!!! Literally, I had so much fun writing it, especially Regulus' POV. Isn't it so sweet in a book or something when it's the male who falls first, not the female? Anyways, my Ravens, be sure to vote or comment, follow me and keep reading. I love every single one of y'all, remember that!



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