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"Why your ears so big? They're better to hear you with"

Sol Filshie is a producer in Spider Gang from Sydney, Australia. He joined Spider Gang in 2018 where spider gang was becoming a thing. Sol has produced for many members of Spider Gang, such as Lil Darkie, CXRPSE, and BRUHMANEGOD. He has been publishing beats on his YouTube channel since 2016 with many of them being free to use. SOLSA recently dropped the song LISTEN on his Soundcloud and the Spider Gang YouTube channel, this seems to be one of the first songs that he actually sings on. SOLSA is a well respected producer with fellow Spider Gang member WENDIGO being quoted in an interview with HiveMind as saying in reference to SOLSA, "...I'd love to meet him, I find his beats very fascinating and just very swampy and nocturnal..."

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