Chapter 3

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I walk into my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. My creamy colored fur is a mess, and my sky blue eyes are bloodshot from lack of sleep. I wonder if I scared Devin looking like this.
I open up the medicine cabinet and see my bathroom necessities: toothbrush, toothpaste, furbrush. I find what I'm looking for in the back of the cabinet: a pill bottle. I pop the cap off and pour the pills into my hand. 5 white sleeping pills.
Damn, I think. Gonna have to get a refill soon. I fill a cup full of water and take my pill. Maybe a second would help me sleep better?
I brush the thought off and walk into my bedroom, which consists of a bed for one, a dresser, a nightstand with a lamp, and a closet. Not so fancy room for a not so fancy guy.
I just take my shirt and pants off and flop onto bed. I'm so tired. Maybe the pills will put me to sleep. I close my eyes and just hope sleep will come easy.
I'm awake before my alarm goes off. Goes off at 7 every day. I sit up and turn it off, wishing I could've gotten more sleep last night. I put on a pair of shorts and walk into the kitchen. I open the fridge and grab the carton of orange juice, taking a few sips. Hopefully nobody else drinks this.
I set the juice back into the fridge and sit down. What am I going to do today? I sigh. I could always try and get another job. I loved bagging groceries as much as the next guy, but my boss fired me when I seemed too "sad." Thanks boss.
I sigh, grab my phone, and start to look at any open jobs in the area.
After looking for about an hour, I've come to the conclusion I'll never find a job. I toss my phone to the side and rub my temples. Devin. I still have to call him.
I stand up and grab the note, dialing the number into my cell. After a few rings, Devin picks up.
"Hello?" he asks.
"Err, hey Devin. It's Jacob." I say, wondering what we could possibly talk about.
"Hey! Dang uh, how are you? You feeling better?" he asks.
"I guess."
"Good, good. Uuum... You got plans this afternoon?" he asks.
I'm kinda shocked really. "Um, no. I don't plan on doing anything."
"Great. Would you ah... Wanna maybe grab lunch? We could try the new sandwich shop." he says.
"Uh, sure. That would uh, that would be fine." I sputter.
"Great. 11 ok?"
"Ok, I'll see you then!"
I hang up and set my phone down. Why does this guy wanna have lunch with me? Why did he suddenly wanna be my friend? Maybe he feels bad about yesterday.
It's only 8 right now, I still got a bit before I meet with Devin. I guess more job searching. I grab my phone again and start looking, questions flowing through my mind.

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