Chapter 3.2

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Ryan sat on Nancy's bed with a plate of cookies in her lap while Nancy finished her physics homework

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Ryan sat on Nancy's bed with a plate of cookies in her lap while Nancy finished her physics homework. Once Nancy admitted she still had a few problems left on her assignment, Ryan had offered to help, occasionally offering solutions while she listened to the radio, singing along to Rocketman.

"And I think it's gonna be a long, long time, till touch down brings me round again to find, I'm not the man they think I am at home, oh no no no, I'm a rocket man," Ryan sang, swaying on the bed.

"Ryan, really?" Nancy looked up from her bench by her window. "A plate of cookies, dancing on my bed and singing?"

"ROCKET MAN BURNING OUT HIS FUSE UP HERE ALONE!" She sang louder, pointing at Nancy as she put on her own little concert.

"Oh my God," Nancy laughed, throwing a pillow at Ryan's face. "I'm about to send you to Mars myself!"

"Come on, Nance, I'm bored." Ryan whined as she tossed the pillow aside. "We're supposed to be watching movies and you're sitting here doing homework."

"Okay, okay, I finished it." Nancy tossed her notebook to the side before moving to sit on the bed with her, reaching for a cookie. "So, how's Tommy?"

"He's Tommy," Ryan shrugged. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason."


"I'm just saying," Nancy started again. "It's time you got out there-"

"God, Nancy, no!" Ryan made a face, dropping her cookie back on the plate. Not this again. "Come on!"

"I'm just saying!" Nancy insisted, pushing forward despite Ryan shaking her head rapidly. "You saved the town last year! You deserve to be happy and he makes you laugh!"

"You make me laugh and you don't see me trying to date you!" Ryan argued, shoving the last two cookies toward her.

"What?" Nancy gasped dramatically. "Am I not good enough for you?"

"We are so not having this conversation." Ryan rolled her eyes. The two stared at each other in silence, before breaking out in uncontrollable laughter. "Have I mentioned how much of a priss you are?"

"Yeah? Well you're such a-" Nancy paused, searching for the best words while Ryan waited patiently, holding in a laugh. "A brat!"

"That's literally the same thing as a priss!" Ryan exclaimed through her fit of giggles. "I hope you don't need to trash talk anyone in the future because you really suck at it."

Nancy smacked Ryan's face with a pillow, "That's what I have you for. You're the mean one and I'm the nice one. It all works out."

The Girl in the Window {Steve Harrington} Where stories live. Discover now