Chapter 18

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(Laff PoV)

I know what you'se are thinking. You think I'm gonna betray them like the monster I am.

But really, I'm not. I truly want to help them. Maybe I wouldn't have three years ago, but I've changed. I've been watching what Eli does to the experiments and... it's just wrong.

And I've also realized the way he treats me.

I never actually noticed it before, but ever since the accident that made me like this, he hadn't talked to me the same. He seems harsher with his words, and acts annoyed when I talk to him.

I guess this is me getting back at him.

Well, it would be.

If, at the top of the ladder, we were met with our freedom instead of Eli, Ally, Joocie, and some guards.

Everyone else had already been contained - the reason why no one said anything as I came out. As soon as I stood up, two guards came over to me and shoved me aside with their guns. I tried to use my robotic tentacles to fight back, but an electric shock brought me to my knees.

Eli stood over me and chuckled. "I should have known you would help them. Maybe you would have been better off if I had left you to die."

I growled. "Well maybe you should have thought that through before you shared their pain with your own son."

I yelped as I felt another shock to through me. Is it something in the mechanical side of me? I don't have the electrical shock collar, like Blaza, so I guess so.

"Don't talk back to me like that," Eli said, "It'll only make it worse for you."

I tried to call out and warn the others that were coming, but Eli just shocked me again. I could see spots in the sides of my vision at this point, so I just shut up.

And then Blaza came up.

Blaza stood up and looked around in confusion. I could understand why - no one had said anything when they caught us off guard. But one look at the guns the guards held told him exactly what was going on.

Blaza threw his sunglasses to the side and growled as his tentacles grew out behind him, poised and ready to strike.

"Hello again, B-1," Eli said, turning to Blaza, "I'm afraid you don't have the authority to leave this compound."

The guards pointed their guns at Blaza, and he crumpled to the ground as Eli shocked him with the collar around his neck.

Eli walked over to the tortured experiment and chuckled. "You don't seem to give up, do you? You're worthless. You were nothing before I gave you purpose, and this is how you repay me?"

Blaza breathed heavily. "If this is purpose, then I'm an idiot for ever thinking it was mine, even if I never did!"

Eli just sighed and shocked him again.

"What is up with all of you talking back to me like that?" Eli said, rolling his eyes, "Seriously, has L-4FF been rubbing off on you guys?"

I growled as he referred to me by my subject number.

He looked around at the experiments, all of them on their knees and at gunpoint. He shrugged.

"Eh. I guess so," he said. "Now, B-1, was there anyone helping you guys escape?"

Blaza growled. "Like I'd ever tell you."

Blaza yelped as another wave of electricity shot from his collar. Eli kneeled down in front of him and pulled Blaza's chin up, as to force Blaza to look right at him.

Experimental - A BlazaPlays AUWhere stories live. Discover now