Chapter 1: Italy

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A/n: All y'all should know that there's gon be Golden wind spoilers here, but imma say it again just in case.

You first saw him during your stay in Italy. His blonde hair, and the star on the back of his neck. There was no doubt. This kid was HIS child. He was most likely illegitimate though. You don't know how he even existed, but he did. 

He was talking to some guy with a white suit with zippers in random places on his clothes. You happened to overhear their conversation, and as you expected, he was kind hearted. Apparently he wanted to take down some gangs boss, and to do that, he decided to join the gang himself.

Sitting in a cafe, you glanced at the table next to yours. The 4 people sitting there was Leone Abbacchio, Guido Mista, Narancia Ghirga, and Pannacotta Fugo.

"What the hell are you guys doing?!" Bucciarati yelled as he walked into the room with giorno behind him. "I could hear you all the way from the entrance! You're bothering the other customers!" 

"This is the new member i told you about yesterday. Let me introduce you. This is Giorno Giovanna." He said as the 4 sat at the table staring at him. 

"I'm Giorno Giovanna. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said bowing slightly. The 4 totally ignored him though, and went back to their own business. 

You sighed and stood up, walking past the two. The moment you walked past giorno though, his head snapped towards you. Yet another reason why you disliked the joestar bloodline. Those with the joestar blood, know when there is another Joestar near them. You just walked past him quickly, so he wouldn't stop you on your way out. 

However, before you could get too far, A voice called from behind you as you froze "Um excuse me..." It was Giorno. Turning around to face the blonde, you stared at him. He was looking at you with curiosity in his eyes, and he looked dead set on asking you questions. "Can we talk?"


"So, what do you need to ask stranger?" You said with a small smirk. 

"I'm Giorno Giovanna, but i think you already know, since you were sitting at the table right next to my friends team." He said as you hummed. 

"So? What do you want from me?"

"I feel it. It's a weird feeling, but i can somehow sense that you're somehow related to me." He said, his gaze becoming a rather determined look. "Who are you, and how are we related?"

You stared at him before humming. "I don't know. Who am i?" 

"Hey! There's no time to play around! After this, i still have important things to do!" He said as you shook your head.

"You're... 15 right?" You ask as he nods. "You're younger than I imagined. Aren't you too young to be joining a gang?"


"I'm Y/n." You said, not mentioning your surname. "From what i've seen, your mother must not be a good mother."

"How'd you guess?"

"No mother would let their child join some gang at 15. If your father knew you even existed, he would have killed both your mother and step-father and raised you himself." You said as his eyes grew wide. "But he doesn't, so-"

"Wait wait wait wait!" He said as you paused. "My father? My biological father doesn't even know i exist?!" 

"That's right." You said crossing your arms across your chest. "Your mother somehow escaped from him, which wasn't supposed to happen, and i still have no idea how it happened, but he doesn't know about it."

"W-well where is he now? I mean, you know him, right?"

"I'm... currently on vacation. I'm taking a break basically, so he's not here with me at the moment."

"With you?"

"Yes. I'm his wife." Giorno's jaws dropped, and random sounds escaped his mouth as he stared at you in complete shock.

"T-then didn't he basically, um, cheat? On you?"

"Oh, your mother was supposed to die, like the rest of them, but she didn't so..." there was a moment of silence before Giorno sighed, and covered his face.  

"Then does that make me... the child of a-"

"No. Don't let it bother you." you said watching the teens face fall. He looked rather depressed hearing this, but you couldn't bring yourself to get mad at such a child. 

"Then my... father. Does he-" Just before he could finish his question, Bucciarati and the others approached you and the blonde.

"Giorno! We finally found you. Let's go, we have to-" He paused for a moment, seeing him with you. "Oh, hello." He greeted you, and you replied with a simple nod.

"Girono, do you know her?"

"Oh uh... She's..." He paused, since he wasn't sure how to address you.

"Your friend perhaps? She looks pretty young."

"What? No she-"

"Hey Giorno,are you and your friends perhaps... a stand user?" You ask as his eyes widened, as did the other people there.

"H-How did you..." 

"That guy's stand are screaming for food." You said pointing at mista.

"Ack! Didn't i just feed you guys?! Jeez..."

"If that's the case... you're also a stand user, right?" Bucciarati asked as you nod. 

"But, whatever you're doing is none of my business." You said glancing at giorno. 

"Giorno, don't trouble yourself with this matter. There's no need to worry."

"Thank you..." He said before turning to his... friends. "If i can find you again, let's talk a bit more, so i can figure out what i can call you." He said with a smile and walked away with his friends.

The moment they disappeared from view, your smile dropped, and your expression turned cold. Passione. The large gang organization belonged to you. Even though selling drugs to kids were wrong, you didn't have control of what they did. You didn't have to worry about money, since they just came into your hands, and your subordinate loyally carried out your orders when you gave the words. 

You don't know which gang Giorno and the others belonged to, but you suspected that since they were walking around these streets, there is a possibility that they belonged to passione. If they did, you wouldn't let them do anything that would harm the organization. Your organization.

Passione belonged to YOU. 

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