4: Eddie, Do You Copy?

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It was Saturday, meaning I didn't have school. I knocked at Max's trailer but no one answered, I probably scared her away or something.
Eddie was still gone, which made me very worried. But, Eddie wouldn't do something like this. Eddie wouldn't snap all the bones in Chrissy's body and squish the eyeballs out of her head.

I grabbed the walkie-talkie from under my bed, "Eddie, are you there? Eddie, this is your sister, remember me? Hello? Eddie, this is a massive emergency! Eddie! Do you copy?"

No reply.

I sighed, "Well, Eddie. I'm gonna find you, you little shit. Over and out."
I chucked my walkie-talkie in my backpack, along with some food from the fridge and a bottle of water.

"Where are you going?" Uncle Wayne asked, sitting on the couch.

"Err, out." I replied, "I'll be back soon."

"Didn't you hear about that Student?" Uncle questioned.

"Yeah, good point, I'll be extra careful. Love you, bye!" I waffled, as I shut the front door behind me.

I grabbed my blue bike, which was laying on the grass next to my trailer and started riding to find Eddie.

It had been about an hour, and I still couldn't find my brother. I checked everywhere he might've gone but he wasn't anywhere.
I decided to go to VideoPlay, a store that Steve Harrington works in. He's in Eddie's year at school, so maybe he knows where he would've gone.

I rested my bike up outside and walked quickly inside. I walked up to the front desk to see Steve and a girl.

"Hey, you must be.. Steve." I rested my elbows of the desk.

"Err, yeah." Steve replied, "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Deena Munson." I replied.

"Eddie's sister?" Steve questioned.

"Yeah. Have you seen him?" I asked.

"No, why?" Steve questioned.

"He's just... missing. That's all." I replied, "What about you? Have you seen him?"

The girl pointed at herself, "Me? No, sorry."

I sighed, "Err, that's okay. He's probably at home, or selling drugs, thanks anyway."

I heard them talking to each-other as I walked away. I didn't bother to listen to what they had to say about Eddie, or me.

I was about to ride home, when I heard someone call my name.


I turned around, it was Max. She was with Dustin.
"Oh, hey." I smiled at them both.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Just... looking for Eddie. Why?" I replied.

"I told Dustin, about what I saw." Max replied.

"Yeah, and we are going to find out what happened. Wanna help?" Dustin added.

"Err, sure." I replied, walking back into the store.

"Hey," Max walked into the store first.

"Are you guys seeing this?" Steve pointed to the tv.

Dustin ignored him, "How many phones do you have?"

Steve continued, "Someone was murdered."

"How many phones do you have?" Dustin repeated.

"Two. Why?" Steve replied.

"Technically three, if you count Kieth's." The girl added.

"Yeah, three works." Max nodded at Dustin, who threw his backpack over the counter. Then he jumped over himself.

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