Chapter 10: The Crossroads

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Book 2: Family
Chapter 10: The Crossroads


The Airbenders and Akira had made their camp in the redwood forests north of the Foggy Swamp. Akira was stoking the fire when Jinora walked into camp.

"I was just in town and I spoke with some people who said that Zaofu is under siege by rebels. There's rumors that they're being led by 'the new Avatar.' I think we just found Jiansu!" Jinora said excitedly.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Kinlei gathered her things and jumped up onto Lefty's back.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Gyatso said.

Akira put out their campfire while Gyatso gathered his and her things. They climbed up into Taima's saddle.

"I haven't seen my brother in many months. I wonder how he's been." Akira mused.

"If I know him, he's just fine." Gyatso assured her.

"Only one way to find out. Taima, yip-yip!"



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If not for the jeep breaking down, Yasmin and Colonel Jiahao would've been in Zoafu days ago. Instead they were forced to carry their gear in rucksacks and camp along the side of the road.

"I can't wait to reach Zaofu." Yasmin huffed.

"Don't be too eager. Expect a fight once we arrive." Jiahao said.

"True, though I wouldn't be too worried about it. The Empire trains its troops well, but Jiansu is no laughing matter."

"You are correct. And they will be in even more trouble once the Firelord arrives."

"Have you ever been to Zaofu before?"

"Many times." Jiahao confirmed.

"What is it like?" Yasmin wondered.

"Breathtaking. Six massive domes made of such pure metal that no Earthbender can budge them. They protect the city from danger and open up like flower petals when not in use. Within the domes lies the most technologically advanced city in the world. It is truly a sight to see."

Yasmin tried to picture that in her head, but she had never seen anything comparable.

"How many more miles do we have to go?" Yasmin asked.

"Twelve. We should be there before noon tomorrow if we get started early." Jiahao said.

"Before noon tomorrow. Got it. I'd better get to sleep then." Yasmin found a soft patch of dirt where she could put her sleeping bag. She crawled inside and closed her eyes.



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Avatar: The Legend Reborn - Book 2: Family Where stories live. Discover now