Chapter 6: A Father's Legacy

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Book 2: Family
Chapter 6: A Father's Legacy


The city of Omashu stood tall and proud on the southern horizon. Jiansu had always heard that the city stood atop a mesa in the middle of a circular canyon, but that was not the case any longer. The canyon had been filled with water so that the city was perched on an island in the middle of a lake. Four bridges connected the island to the land, one at each of the four cardinal directions. They were miles away, but the vertical city was so big it was easy to see.

"I've always wanted to come to this place. My father was born here. It's incredible." Jiansu said.

"Yeah, it's roughly fifty times the size of the Air Temple you just built." Kinlei added.

"Is that an exaggeration or a fact?" Jiansu wondered.

"Well, if you calculate the area of..." Kinlei started.

"Right. Forget I said anything." Jiansu grinned.

Kinlei laughed. "Do you know where we're going?"

"The rebels are camped in a place called the Cave of Two Lovers. Know where that is?" Jiansu asked.

"Yeah, it's in the Kolau Mountains. That's a good place to hide. People have been terrified of that place for thousands of years." Kinlei answered.

"Why?" Jiansu wondered.

"There's an old legend about the cave. Something to do with the origins of Earthbending, but I don't remember the details."

"Sounds interesting. Let's find it." Jiansu said.

Kinlei guided the bison west of the city. They found the cave where the mountains began. It had an inscription above the entrance.

"Lover's Cave." Kinlei read aloud.

"You ready?" Jiansu asked.

"Sure, let's go." Kinlei started into the cave. Jiansu followed.

They walked about a quarter mile into the cave. Jiansu led the way with his Seismic Sense. He held Kinlei's hand because she couldn't see anything. After a while, Jiansu could see light at the end of the tunnel. They had finally come to the camp.

"Hello?" Jiansu called out. All of the sudden two Earthbenders intercepted them.

"Who are you?" They demanded.

"We're here to help. I'm the Avatar." Jiansu replied.

The two exchanged glances. "Oh, right this way then. We'll take you to our commanding officer."

They led Jiansu and Kinlei through their camp, which was just a few campfires and dozens of sleeping bags. Earthbending rebels gave them hopeful looks. The pair led them to the far side of the camp, where a man in a tattered Imperial uniform decorated with medals was sitting at a fold out table writing on a piece of paper. He saw them and rose to his feet.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"The Avatar, sir."

The man smiled, but he didn't look surprised. "Thank you for coming. I'm Colonel Jiahao. I sent a message to New Gansu requesting the Avatar's support, but I knew you had a lot of other battles to fight. I'm thankful that you've come."

"Sorry it took so long. My name is Jiansu. This is my... associate, Kinlei. How can we be of aid?"

Jiahao reached into his pocket and brought out a piece of paper. He unfolded it, revealing a map of the city. He pointed to the four bridges connecting the city to the land around it.

Avatar: The Legend Reborn - Book 2: Family Where stories live. Discover now