Chapter 8: The Motherland

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Book 2: Family 
Chapter 8: The Motherland


The Misty Palms Cantina was filled with low-lifes, but none of them unnerved Jiansu as much as the Sandbender standing before him now. With his imposing build and earthen arm, Nasim was somehow more menacing than Jiansu remembered. The young Avatar backed away defensively.

"You... what?" Jiansu wondered if he'd heard Nasim correctly.

"I said, I'm here to help." Nasim repeated.

"Why should I trust you?" Jiansu demanded.

Nasim leaned on the bar and whispered. "Because I used to command the entire Earth Empire military. I may not be the powerful general I once was, but my knowledge would be invaluable to the rebels' cause."

Jiansu thought about what Nasim said. "Okay, I'm listening."

Nasim looked around the cantina. "Not here. Too many ears."

He turned and walked outside. Jiansu downed the drink he had ordered and followed Nasim outside. Hopefully he wasn't being set up.

Jiansu found Nasim outside petting a Camelephant. "What do you really want, Nasim?"

The former Dark Avatar groomed the desert steed. "To settle my debt."

"Debt? To who?"

"To you. I would not be here right now if not for your mercy. Tell me, why exactly did you spare my life?"

Jiansu wasn't sure how to respond. "I don't know. I guess maybe I felt a little sorry for you. I never asked to be the Avatar. I figured you probably didn't ask to host the spirit of pure evil."

Nasim stared at the ground and nodded. "Unalaq willingly merged with Vaatu, but I never had that choice. To be born with so much darkness inside me, I never realized what true happiness was until you separated me from that monster. Thank you." 

Jiansu couldn't say he'd ever expected Nasim to thank him for anything, but he was glad to hear he had truly helped him. He'd chosen to spare his life because he hoped with Vaatu gone, Nasim would be able to choose for himself what kind of person he wanted to be. It appeared as though Jiansu was right.

The Avatar bowed to the Sandbender. "It is my responsibility to help people in need."

Nasim bowed back. "And now, it is my responsibility to repay the favor."

"How so?" Jiansu asked.

"By mentoring you. Despite all you have learned about being the Avatar, there is more you still have yet to learn."

"And you can teach me what I need to know?"

"I am the only person in the world who can teach you what you need to know." Nasim said.

"And what exactly is it that I need to know?" Jiansu wondered.

Nasim mounted his Camelephant. "Follow me if you wish to learn."



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Avatar: The Legend Reborn - Book 2: Family Where stories live. Discover now