Not a Date

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"Walk slowly," Marinette demanded breathily, after successfully undergoing multiple height complexes. 

"Huh?" Adrien turned around in shock, staring at her.

She looked like she was inches away from death.

"Walk," she panted trying to keep up with him, "slowly." 

"We've been walking three minutes. Why do you look like you've just run a marathon."

"It's not my fault I can't meet up to your giant, titan strolls, without jogging, you tall little sh-"

"But I'm not even walking that fast-"

"You do not need to remind me of how easily you take these long-ass, leisurely steps while my short reddish legs have to practically run to-"

"Raddish legs?"

"Raddish legs."

Adrien glanced around, looking into a sports equipment shop, "Let's buy you a pair of rollerblades then."

"I can't skate to save my life."

"It's ok, you can hang on to me while I take my 'long-ass, leisurely steps'. And you won't have to force your reddish legs to walk faster."

"I am sure of many things in my life, and one more such thing is that you're going to drop me without a second thought if a bakery or a croissant advertisement pops up."


"At least try to deny it."

"It's hard to be an honest citizen these days."

Something clicked in Marinette's head, "Speaking of skating, how about we go visit the ice rink?"


"As a date."

Adrien choked on oxygen.

"Why-?!" There was more 'why' factor behind his second 'why'.

"Because we're both free?"

"You don't randomly decide to go to ice rinks when you're free-"

"Not when you don't have a crush on the other person who obviously likes you back but is too blind to see it." Marinette retorted.

Adrien spluttered, "I don't have a crush on you, Marinette."

"See?" She smirked, hinting at her previous statement.

"...Let's just go to the ice rink."

"Yay!" Marinette pumped a fist, jumping lightly with the excitement.

Adrien laughed, mocking her excitement, "Let's go."


"By the way, do you know how to skate-?"


The two stared at each other.

"So we bought the tickets, rented the snow gear and the skates, and even got some warm food," Marinette started.

"While both not knowing how to skate?" Adrien finished.

"Let's wing it." Marinette grabbed his hand, rushing headfirst into the ice, dragging a staggering Adrien behind.

He looked at her from behind, her hand tightly holding his own, and he couldn't help but smile.

She turned around to face him, flashing a wide smile, and to him, everything seemed to move in slow motion.

As if flowers were surrounding her, her face sparkling and smiling. 

Adrien thought maybe he'd been reading too much shoujo manga.

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