What Your Fate Is

273 15 138

Y'all gonna hate me for this, oh lord.


Marinette looked around in confusion, walking across the building edge, gripping the familiar steel railing, chills running down her spine as she glanced down the building.

That was the place where she plummeted to her death.

She could almost imagine her deathly still body lying there. Out of breath, a pool of blood below her head where it hit the cold, hard concrete.

She breathed heavily, trembling from the memories. Her hand subconsciously flew to the back of her head. She only realized that she was checking if there was any blood pouring out from there when she pulled her clean, unstained hands in front of her eyes.

She didn't want to relive this moment. Her legs almost buckled, but she pushed the jarring feeling aside. Her wobbling feet walked towards the exit of the building.

A sudden, blurred whiz and Marinette no longer stood on the roof.

The location suddenly changed.

She watched the city from the Eiffel Tower, another place representing heights.

She hastily pulled herself away from the edge, gripping the nearest thing.

She felt a slow, forward motion. She was falling face flat. But her forehead never hit the ground, the ground was falling too.

The entire Tower was toppling over.

Bracing herself for the impact, Marinette raised her hands to her head, but she was no longer falling.

She was upright again.

She was now in front of Master Fu's small massage parlour back in China. She scrambled and reached out to knock on a door when the whole thing turned to ash the second she made contact.

The world was breaking apart.

She tried to hold something, anything, but nothing remained solid when it touched her hand. Soon, the very room gave in and fell apart lifelessly.

She opened her eyes and saw another place. This was the street they fought Eugene in.

In a blur, that too disappeared.

She stood still now. She couldn't tell what was ground or what was the sky. Everything around her was purple, with a few shades of black and blue. Almost like galaxies.

Too afraid to take a step, she gently bent and touched the area around her feet, her fingers being sucked into the 'ground'.

She took a step, and the same liquid surface now seemed sturdy enough to support her leg.

She took another step, and on affirming it safe to walk, she ran towards nothing.

She called out for Adrien. For Tikki, Alya, Nino, Chloe, Lila, anyone.

She huffed as she dropped to her knees, having run for god knows how long. The ground gave way again and drowned her entire self in.

She now stood upside down, hair dangling from her head. She now noticed that she no longer wore the wedding dress she'd designed.

She was wearing her usual outfit. Her floral white top, pigtails, pink jeans, and a black jacket.

She was also shorter? And younger...?

Marinette hoped this was a dream. A dream she'd soon wake up from. 

She's had her story. She's had her fight. She's won.

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