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Ahem. Contains mild swearing.


[Even if you JUST completed Adieu, read this Recap. You won't regret it I promise.]

I'd like to officially congratulate you on somehow making it past alive after reading something as cringey and terribly planned out as Adieu but hey, you made it so that calls for m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶e̶a̶r̶s̶! celebration!

This is a better-written work of mine which I truly hope you enjoy! 

Some of you might be new readers who randomly came across this and some might have read Adieu a long time ago.

So here's a brief recap of 'Adieu' just in case you forgot or don't feel like reading the book all over again.

Marinette died.

Marinette is alive.

Marinette has amnesia.

Adrien needs glasses.

Emilie is alive.

Emilie is best wing woman.

Adrien needs glasses.

They fight bad dude with a ridiculous villain name and they win.

That's it.

I wasn't lying when I said brief.


JK Here's a proper recap:


Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a girl who seriously needs to value her own life over Trash's, something she doesn't quite get through her thick skull which is why she somehow ended up yeeting herself off of a twenty-storey building.

Said Trash, who goes by the name Lila Rossi, turned out only to be pointlessly threatening her and didn't actually mean to throw her off a building (oh wow, plot twist, who could have thought, claps, gasps🙄) and life just handed her a big fat L because Trash is now Murderer Trash.

Murderer Trash is a wimp who won't take the blame for the murder and goes: SIKE BITCHES, IMMA LEAVE PARIS AND FLY MY ASS OFF TO CHINA. BYE.

She doesn't give anyone any explanation on why Marinette died (lowkey sus), which leaves everyone to assume that Marinette's either suicidal or she lost her mind and decided to go sky-diving without a parachute.

Google Earth disapproves. 

So Marinette dies and everyone cries. 

The End.




Adrien being a dumb blind blond furry doesn't realize he loved Marinette until she died.

Sucks for him.

The next day Ladybug shows up because why on earth would Ladybug be dead, because Marinette is totally not Ladybug and she'd totally be alive. Then our dumb blind blond furry finds out that Ladybug's actually Bridgette and the previous Ladybug died on the same day Marinette died because what a coincidence.

But it wasn't a coincidence and to his horror, Marinette turns out to be Ladybug. So in one day, because of his blindness and crappy patrol timing (because if he had stopped admiring himself and left to patrol ONE minute earlier, Adieu would have been a very short book) he manages to lose both his very good friend and the love of his life.

Sucks for him x2

So everyone cries again and 12 years pass and everyone is still crying because it's not like people have actual shit to do. And Marinette is still dead because no protagonist energy saved her yet. Dum blind blond furry can't move on.

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