I Have Things to Say

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The photoshoot was rather...


Or so Marinette would say.

She enjoyed seeing Adrien being swarmed by tons of make-up artists and cameras, acting as bold or as soft as the look required him to.

She loved the way he could morph his face into whatever expression he wanted. It's like he could control perfectly what muscle he was to move and how much he needed to move it.

And he did it all so efficiently.

But the second he turned away from the camera and locked eyes with her, the second he broke away from the model person and became Adrien instead, that's what she loved the most.

The way his brain suddenly froze when she flashed him a smile, the way he blushed when she blew him a kiss and the way he shrugged when she waved at him.

It's like all the control he had over his face seemed to disappear and she loved seeing that.

She also loved seeing him model different clothes, seeing him embody different personas and make those expressions.

"Hey, you're the one who volunteered to model that day, correct? With that friend of yours, she had an allergic reaction to an apple?" A hoarse voice spoke in an Italian accent, and it took her a while to realise who she was speaking to.

"Oh, you're Adrien's photographer?" She smiled at the man, who replied with something along the lines of 'Oh my spaghetti!'

"It was a long time ago, but I remember." She said, shaking his hands, "What brings you here? I thought professionals didn't have time to chat with pedestrians nearby?"

"Oh normally, I don't. But today is special! Monsieur Agreste over there—" he pointed to Adrien, who was nervously glancing in their direction, "I believe you two are acquaintances?"

"Close friends. He's in my class." She said, flashing Adrien a knowing smile.

That smile she had when she was teasing him, or when she had an idea that Adrien knew would get her into trouble.

Adrien mentally facepalmed.

"Perfect! You see, the boy has eaten too much spaghetti! And as a result, he looks restless and tired!" He said, flailing his arms around.

Marinette was going to pretend she understood that.

"We need something refreshing! Something romantic! A girl." He whispered, having finished the build-up.

"And you want me to model with him?" Marinette stared aghast, motioning towards herself.

"Yes! Perfect! The girl knows her spaghetti."

'Again with this spaghetti-'

He grabbed her hand and shoved her next to Adrien, checking what seemed to be their height difference.

"A bit too short, but she'll do!"

Adrien held back Marinette from rioting.

"Nothing a pair of heels can't fix."

"Sir, don't you think you should ask how he feels about this first instead?"

"Oh he'll be fine with it, now hurry, go get yourself changed, I'll have the dressers look after you right away!" He said, shouting 'Marie' in the distance.

Possibly the name of the brunette coming their way.

"Thanks for trying, but they barely go by what I want here. Father's their employer, not me. They have to listen to him, not me."

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