𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐟

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a/n; So, what if Stephen Strange never had the accident? And What if he lived happily with his heart?

"Are you like quite sure that you can't come tonight?" he asked her "even if I promise you crème bule?" he tried again. She laughed softly "Stephen" she said "I'm gonna think about it," she said "no promises though okay?" she asked and pressed a quick kiss on his lips. "Okay" he said.

She texted him later that day " Stephen, all set for tonight. I will come with you. P.s it the crème buleè that made me reconsider. not your charming smile." He laughed softly reading her text. "I will be at your home at 7."

When Stephen came to pick her up she was already waiting for him. He smiled softly at her "evening handsome" she said softly. "You look stunning" he told her softly before placing her kiss on her right cheek. "Ready?" He asked and he opened the door for her in the car. "Yeah".

As he was driving she asked "are you going to tell me your speech? Or what ideas you have?" turning her head sideways and watching him while drove. "Well, I haven't thought about it yet, but I thought about following your advice this morning and act like I'm in a tv show" he said turning his head to her as she laughed softly.

"I'm proud of you" she said softly turning her sideways looking at him as they were in the car returning back. "Thank you" he said softly, "it means a lot hearing this from you" he said softly giving her a smile and she smiled back. "I love you and I'm glad you're in my life" he said looking at her. " I love you too and I'm glad you're a part of my life too". she smiled softly.

In an other timeline, maybe let's better say universe, the accident would happen that would lead him on to becoming an sorcerer. And again, in another other universe, in the same accident he would lose,Christine. The woman who he most loved in the world. But in this one, probably due to the odds, nothing happened. Absolutely nothing that could ruin them.

"Stephen, I'm home" she said softly entering their house. "How was your day?" she asked taking her coat off and placing it along with her purse on the hanger. After taking her shoes off and walked inside she found Stephen on his study. "Hi" she smiled, "hi" he said softly "how did your meeting with Stark went?" she asked taking a seat across from him in the study. "Could have been better." he said "work?" "Tiring. Really tiring" she smiled softly. "So I was wondering, maybe we could have a date night tomorrow?" he asked "of course" she smiled

And the next evening, he proposed. And of course she accepted. The got married on a hot June afternoon. And no Stephen did not learn the mystic arts or anything related. But he did put the knife down. Because it was either that or Christine. She had made it clear.

And of course it was Christine for him, work didn't really matter. But he started teaching neuroscience at the best university of New York and he was happy with that.

Christine entered their home that night "you're home" stephen said giving her a right hug "hi" she said softly smiling into him "i missed you today" he said. "Me too" she said softly. "I have some good news" she said "what's up?" she asked his arms still around her. "I'm pregnant" she smiled softly. "Really?" He hugged her and picked her up spinning her around. "That's amazing news!" he said softly kissing her cheek side ways. "I know right?" She smiled.

"Daddy!" his daughters voice was heard through the university as he was teaching a class and soon two little hands were on his legs. "Okay class, five minutes break" he said picking up his daughter. "Hi sweetheart" he said softly, "did you come here alone?" he joked "no daddy" she said laughing. "mommy here too" she said. "There you guys are" Christine said softly. "Ana, how many times have we said, no running away from mommy?" she asked the girl who looked at her dad. "sorry mommy"

"Definitely your child" she told Stephen who laughed. "Yeah yeah". "How are you though, okay?" he asked. "Yes yes I'm okay" she smiled softly.

And their little family was more than happy, because in that university at least, they were happy.

a/n; happy birthday benedict, I love you <3

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