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Landon in m/m

Damn I can't believe I allowed myself to go six years without talking to Aaliyah I honestly thought that we would eventually end up being together but that changed when I got accepted into LSU and she got accepted into Spelman I always knew that Spelman was her dream college and LSU was mine so we both went our separate ways I made a promise the day that I was leaving that I would keep in touch and I did for awhile until I ended up losing my phone at a party where I met Kimberly and the next day I got a new phone and number I never deleted Aaliyah number but I got a feeling that Kimberly did it but I have no proof. Now we're engaged to get married in December and surprisingly enough Aaliyah is doing our wedding.

"Babe did you hear me," Kimberly spoke.

"Huh what happened?"

"I said I have to fly to Texas my grandma is sick."

"Damn you need me to go I can always fly back for practice lemme get your luggage."

"Nah you stay and I got it  I'll update you as soon as I land."

"Alright I love you."

"I love you too."

We kissed then Kimberly grabbed her luggage and rolled them to the door she opened the door and I heard my best friend Calvin voice.

He walked into the living room.

"Wassup bro."

"Wassup," we dapped.

"Where she rushing off?"

"Texas her grandma is sick."

"And you believe that?"


"Is she gon be back in time for y'all to go look at the first venue?"

"I hope she do."

"Oh okay so you and Aaliyah talked yet?"

"Nah I'm waiting on her to respond to my text."

Once I said that my phone dinged I looked down seeing her number I grabbed my phone and unlocked it and read her message.

"She declined my offer to talk."

"Damn you fucked that up though."

"Yeah I know. Why you didn't tell me that she had a daughter?"

"Not my place to tell you plus you're with Kim so why does it matter."

I looked at Calvin.

"Not my fault you cut her off and got with Kim."

"I didn't cut Liyah off I think Kim deleted her number I'm not sure though."

"Mhmm she did it but anyways how you know she got a daughter."

"She came into the office with her dad I'm assuming that's Aaliyah husband."

"Did you see a ring on her finger?"


"Alright then but I'm not about to sit here and give you information on Liyah when you have a whole fiancé."

"I know."

"Where's Dom?"

"Probably still at work or her and Liyah are together."

"Like always."

"They've been best friends since they were kids."

"Oh I'm well aware."

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