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Kunal is in a hurry to crack a deal but his car gets punctured. So he does not have any option other than taking a share auto since no taxis are available and it takes a lot of time for his car to come there. He is hating himself for traveling in an auto but that deal is very important. He does not want anyone to know about THE KUNAL UPADHYAY traveling in auto so, he ties his hankie to cover his face.

He takes the seat and auto-starts moving but after some time, the driver stops at a stop.

Kunal(anger clearly visible in his eyes) – Why did you stop ??

Auto driver – arre Bhai sab(sir) this is a share auto until the auto is filled we cannot move.

Kunal – I will give ten times the money you get, just move.

The auto driver is about to move but a group of girls comes in front of his auto.

Kunal is irritated by now.

They all get into the auto.

some sit beside Kunal and some sit in front of him on the baby seat.

all remove their scarf except one girl.

Her friend(Taunting her) – hey darling remove the scarf, we are in an auto. Now you won't get tanned

The girl with the scarf – no yaar(dear) I am not wearing it for tanning. I can't resist the sun. That's why I am keeping it.

All of them keep on talking ignoring Kunal as if he never existed. And he is thankful for that.

The girl with the scarf sits exactly in front of Kunal and he is staring into her eyes. He doesn't know why he is attracted to those eyes but suddenly an unexpected thing happens.

Due to a speed breaker, the girl wearing scarf falls on Kunal, and their lips touch.

Because of continuous speed breakers, They end up kissing three times.

The girl and Kunal, both get shocked

The girl gets teary-eyed. He didn't know why but it pained him to see her tears.

The girl (shouts) – bhayyaaa(driver) stop the auto.....

She gets down and walks fast without caring about anything.

All her friends are shocked. They don't know the reason why she got down but soon they too get down with her and pay the driver and the auto starts moving, Kunal is still in shock.

girl's friends – SAMRITIAAA STOPPPP......

Kunal does not hear her name as the auto moves.

He reaches his office but is so disturbed, that he could not give the presentation as he is constantly getting her thoughts and their kiss.

He loses the deal and this creates constant hate for her in his mind.

Let's see how their journey proceeds.

What will he do ??

Will Kunal love her considering the attraction he feels towards her or hate her for making him lose the deal?

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