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"Where are you taking them?"

"None of your business."

"You look like you're ready to abduct random people. It is my business."

"A'nd you look like you've never fucked before but you don't hear me bringing that up."

"D'AH!" You yelled, pulling away your arms from the two, rubbing your wrists. Kaede hurriedly put her notepad away as she heard you stopping their commotion.

Rindou and Akihiro continued to stare at each other coldly. "Come on, Komori, we're taking you home." Akihiro urged. "I'll be taking them home." Rindou interrupted, pulling you by the waist closer to him.

"Man, get your hands off me." You glared. "I don't think Komori is comfortable being with you." Akihiro argued. "Oh, they probably aren't, but their aunt told me to pick them up." Rindou smiled smugly, his head slightly raised as he mocked Akihiro with his glare.

Akihiro stood his ground as he continued to stare at him. Kaede came into the scene as he pulled the older male away from the both of you. "See you at school, Y/n!" She waved.

You waved back, eventually turning to Rindou with a glare. "What the fuck?" You asked. "Yeah. What the fuck was that?" He replied. "No. What the fuck was that." You repeated. "What do you mean?"

You shook your head, before slapping his shoulder. "Why are you here?!" You yelled. "I have something." He answered bluntly. "And it involves me how?" You asked.

It felt as if Rindou was caught up in his own words. He couldn't seem to find a way to bring up the topic of the investment. "Well? Hurry up!" You urged. "Why?" He asked. "I- Because I need to hurry!" You yelled.


"You don't need to know."

"But what if I do?"

You sighed before giving in. "It's the restaurant's anniversary. Happy?" You answered. Rindou fell silent before pulling you lightly towards his motorcycle. "Gah! Where are you bringing me now?!" You asked irritatedly. "Isn't it obvious? It's important, isn't it?" He answered, shoving his helmet to your arms.

"Wear that. Make sure it's secure." He ordered, turning the keys to start his engine. The drive would have been as noisy as it usually is when you two argued, but it was silent. You didn't know how to start a conversation and Rindou didn't know how to bring up his.

"What do you have anyway?" You ask, only to receive a confused hum from him. "You said you had something." You told him. "Ah, that. I, uh, fixed it." He answered. "Fixed what?" Rindou was silent once again, hesitant to answer the question. "Ah! Do you want to go home or not?" He asked.

You finally arrived at the restaurant, muffled voices from the outside. Probably of your aunt's guests. Your aunt stepped outside with a sigh. "Y/n! You're here! Oh, and Haitani-kun. Hello." She greeted with a soft grin. Rindou only waved with a gentle smile as she urged you to come in.

"You said she told you to pick me up." You whispered with a glare. "I may have lied." He shrugged. "Natural for a demon, huh?" You muttered. "What was that?" He asked. You only shook your head with a smile.

"Sorry for the intrusion." Rindou bowed. "Oh, it's nothing at all!" Hayami denied, leaving you two to settle in with the guests. "Hey! What the hell are you doing here?" Nahoya asked with an angry smile. "Don't talk to him like that!" Hayami scolded, pulling on his ear.

Rindou stayed silent as he watched people interacting together. The most active a party can get thrown by his family was when it involved the pool. But nobody was supposed to swim either way. The waters just changed colors.

Here though. It was as lively as festivals he and his brother would sneak off to. Kareokes and drinking in the corners. Lots of laughing and eating with big genuine grins.

It would have been a dream to see these kinds of occasions daily in his boring life. The only thing exciting to him would be beating up thugs. But not right now. Right now, it was whatever this was.

"Y/n! You've grown so big now!" An old woman walked towards you. "Look at them! They're already my height!" Another laughed while comparing your heights. "They're taller than you!"

"You have a crush?"

"Or a lover?"

"My brother has a kid your age!"

"You might like my grandchild."

"Who's that?" A young girl shyly pointed to Rindou, tugging on one of the woman's dress.

All the ladies started to squeal as they pinched Rindou's cheeks and ruffled his hair, interrogating him. "Are you Y/n-nii's boyfriend?" The same girl who pointed asked. "No! Hitoka, don't think that!" You panicked. "Ah, but you two look so good together." Her mother cooed, picking her up.

Rindou only smiled as the women continued to throw their questions. "What's your name, sweetheart?" A woman asked. "Rindou." He answered. "How old are you?" Another asked. "I'm about to turn sixteen." He smiled. "Okay! I think dinner's served!" You yelled, pushing Rindou towards a table. "What was that?!" You whispered. "Hm?" He smiled smugly, which only made you glare at him.

"I'm here, I'm here!" A voice called from the entrance. Your mother finally got out of work early. First in the past few months. "Hiromi!" Most of the women cheered as she popped into view.

You walked towards her, taking her bag as she kissed your forehead. "Thanks, hun." Rindou just watched from his seat as you and your mother conversed. You walked towards Rindou once again.

"You could go home if you want to, you know?" You offered him, taking a seat. "And what? Work? Yeah, no." He deadpanned. "You're only about to turn sixteen, why are you working so much?" You asked. "Because no one's going to take over my mother's company once she retires. So I have to be experienced in this." He said.

For someone who isn't even eighteen yet, you admit he was pretty reliable in this sort of topic. "What about your brother?" You asked. "He doesn't like the business forte." He shrugged.

"Rindou-kun! Come, come! Let's eat!" A woman called. "Yeah, call him..." You mumbled. "What was that?" He asked tauntingly. "Dinner! Come on!" You pulled his arm. "You'll love the sour pork ribs, they're the best!"

He was never used to this. Having to pass around the plates, laughing and joking at the dinner table, lots of smiles. He would be too shy to admit it to you, but he would give up everything he had to have your life.

Rindou could probably just stay in here forever if it meant this was what greeted him. He would never grow bored.

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