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It went on for ages

The boy came back. Almost everyday. Just to make your life a living hell. And you couldn't say no. Not when your family's franchise was on the line.

"Well aren't you going to clean that up?" He asked, pointing at the puddle of spilled water on the ground he "accidentally" pushed over. "Of course." You smiled angrily. Trying to keep your hands from ripping the smile from his cocky face.

Souya looked at you worriedly while Nahoya covered his mouth, suppressing his laughter. "He's really making you work for him." Nahoya commented in between his annoying giggles. "I know the devil was a monster but I didn't think his son would be worse." You glared at Rindou from the window, grabbing the mop.

"Can't you say no?" Souya asked. "No, he's the son of auntie's possible investor. One wrong move and I fuck this up for her." You shook your head with a frown.

"Don't worry, N/n, we'll be sure to follow your death wish." Nahoya frowned fakely, patting your back. "Do you want to be buried or cremated?" He asked excitedly. "How will you bury me when I'm bringing you to death with me?" You asked.

You walked towards the booth Rindou sat on, mop in hand as you talked yourself into calming down. Rindou was on his phone texting someone as you moped muttering curses under your breath.

"Fucking cocky alien looking-ass bitch..." You muttered. "What was that?" Rindou questioned. "Would you like another glass of water?" You asked nicely. At least, you tried to ask nicely. "No. I'm leaving." He said bluntly, standing up as he left his booth.

"Oh, and by the way." He turned back to you. "The evaluation is over. You'll receive the letter soon." He informed, pocketing his phone as he took out his wallet. "Good luck to your aunt." He grinned smugly, placing a 1000 yen bill on the table. "She'll need it."

And with that he left. Left you dumbfounded as you watched him enter a fancy looking car. "He's going to fail her." Nahoya muttered sadly from behind you which made you flinch. "Rindou's not as ruthless as his brother, right? There might be a chance!" Souya encouraged.

"Doubt that." You and Nahoya said in unison, stoic expressions as you deadpanned on the "possibility". "Come on! Y/n, you've been working hard for this, I'm sure he'lllet the board guys approve!" Souya said. You sighed. Maybe he was right.

"I just realized..." Nahoya interrupted. "School starts tomorrow!" He cried. "Oh yeah..." Souya muttered. "Welp, no more cutting classes." You chuckled. "We're delinquents!" Nahoya announced proudly. "We'll cut classes if we want to."

"Not when your dad's the teacher." You snickered. "Wait- NOOOOO!" Nahoya yelled, kneeling on the floor. "I forgot we're in our last year of Middle school." Souya thought. "Dad's gonna be our teacher." Nahoya cried.

As Nahoya continued to sob dramatically, you cleaned the booth Rindou ate in. "Hey, Sou." You called, taking the bowl and cup in your hands. "Could you bring the bill to the counter." Souya nodded at your request as you made your way to the kitchen.

~ ~ ~

The shop closed at eight p.m. in order of your aunt. You danced around with the twins in the restaurant while cleaning, Rindou on the other hand was buried with paperwork. As the next heir of his mother's company, he needed to be trained at such a young age.

"So?" Ran started, leaning towards his brother's desk. "So?" Rindou repeated. "It's been, what? Half a month since you kept visiting that eatery." Ran smiled sinisterly, taking a folder from the pile. "And? I might fail them." Rindou scoffed.

But that was a lie. If he was to base everything off the needs for investment, then the restaurant would pass. Yet he couldn't seem to leave after one visit. He was amused. Knowing someone, for the first time, was willing to put up with him despite being pent up with rage against him.

He enjoyed every single second everytime he visited the restaurant. Someone who didn't hate him for his name or like him for his looks. Because for the first time, it was just a stupid, impulsive decision for this person to kick his leg just because they want to.

"Why do you want to keep visiting them anyway?" Ran asked suspiciously. Rindou couldn't just admit his plans about being petty. That would be immature. "Aren't you supposed to be studying for your university entrance exam?" Rindou asked, desperate to change the topic.

Ran stared at him blankly before chuckling. "Did your heart soften suddenly?" He teased his brother. "Huh- What the hell do you mean by that?!" Rindou panicked. Ran only shrugged his shoulders as he placed the folder on his hand back down before leaving his brother's room.

"Stupid Ran. Did my heart soften? What kind of idiotic question is that?" He muttered, analyzing the files. But despite trying to distract himself he couldn't seem to concentrate.

One folder seperated from the others at the corner of his desk. It was the one Ran was examining earlier. Rindou took a look at it, thinking about its content.

HiroYami Eatery

Aside from its statistics, it was filled with various pictures since the restaurant was open. 3 kids often seen in most pictures. It felt like he watched them grow up himself as he examined the photos. One of them caught his attention the most.


Rindou could feel his lips curl up into a smile, only to realize it was... Weird. "Nope. My heart's not soft! I'm as cold as ice. I'm Haitani Rindou! I do not have a soft heart." He said, snapping the folder close as he pinched his arm.

"Stupid Ran. Stupid Cake thief." He muttered, glaring at the picture of your aunt and you holding a trophy for a cooking contest. "Stupid." He repeated in a light tone, barely even in a whisper.

Though no matter how many times he denies it, he does feel amused being around the shop. But don't tell Ran that!

He'd be lying if he said he never enjoyed spending time in the restaurant.

For what's a little salt sprinkled lie going to do?

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