It's For Fun!

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Y/n's POV:

Today was the day we were going to the UK!  By "we" I mean Felix, Erik, and I.  I had packed last night.  Same with the other two.  They had stayed over so it would be easier.  

Anyways, we are on our way to the airport now!  It's 1 am and we are all really tired.  It would be a 10 hour flight so at least we could all sleep during it.  Our flight leaves at 3 am and we should get there around 6 pm UK time.  That is if I've done the math right.  

We got to the airport and parked the car.  We all then got our bags and other stuff and walked into the airport.  We got our tickets and found out that we are all sitting together.  Thank god for that.  We also decided to leave the window seat for whoever actually got it so we wouldn't argue.    We then checked in our bags, went through security, and got food.  Eventually it was time for us to board the plane.  I got the middle seat, Felix got the window, and Erik got the isle seat.  I was fine with it though.  I felt safe between them.

Time skip brought to you by my urge to run away to the UK

We got off of the plane and got our bags.  We then got an uber to a hotel in Brighton.  Erik told Felix and I that we were going to stay there for only a few nights until he could get us an air bnb type thing.  I was very tired from the flight and immediately got ready for bed despite it only being 8 pm.  I fell asleep the second I hit the mattress.

Time skip brought to you by my fish that just tried to kill himself by jumping out of the tank

 I woke up the next day to Erik yelling at me to get ready so we could do stuff.  I got out of bed and got ready as fast as my tired self could.  I then met Erik and Felix in the lobby of the hotel.

"We are going to explore today!  First we are going to the beach!  We will explore from there!" Erik told us.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"11!" Felix said, looking at their phone.

"Ok.  When will we get lunch?  I'm hungry," I groaned.

"Soon!" Erik responded.  "Now off we go!"

"Why are we doing this again?" I questioned.

"It's for fun!" Felix answered.

"How are you not tired?"

"I don't know!" Felix laughed.

"I hate you both."

"Love you too!"

Ranboo's POV:

I got up and got ready.  I was going to Tubbo's house to film with him and Tommy.  We were meeting there before going to the beach.  We just plan to vlog today because we are going to be doing stuff.  We want to film what we like to do together.

Anyways, I got to Tubbo's and we left almost immediately.

"Where are we going first?" I asked.

"We are walking to the beach!" Tubbo told me.

"Ok!  What are we doing after that?" I was filming him now.

"First the beach, then we are going to be meeting up with some other people and going to lunch.  Then the arcade and the shops!" Tubbo said to the camera.

"Sounds fun!"

"Of course you think it's fun Ranboob!" Tommy yelled.  "Anything you do with Tubbo is always fun to you!"

"What do you want to do Tommy?" I looked at him.

"I wanna get my vlog gun!" he screamed.

"People are looking at us weird!" Tubbo informed us.  "Be quieter!"

"NO!" Tommy refused.

Soon enough we got to the beach.  We sat down and talked a bit until we got bored.  We then got up and went into the water.

Erik's POV:

"What do we do now that we are here?" Y/n asked me.

"Play in the water, sit here and talk, I don't care," I responded.

"Let's go to the water Y/n!" Felix yelled.

"I'll go if Erik does," he said.

"I need to message someone about the meeting!  I'll be there soon!" I told them.

"Fine," Y/n groaned before heading to the water with Felix.

I then messaged Tubbo.


where are you?  we are here


we are by *some shop near the beach*


we will be there in a sec.  start filming



"Hey guys!  I need to go meet up with some people!  Wanna come?" I yelled.

"Ok!" they both responded.

We got up and walked towards where Tubbo said he, Ranboo, and Tommy were.  Soon they came into view.  

"There they are," I pointed.

Y/n's POV:

I froze.  There, around 20 feet away from me, was Ranboo.  He was staring right back at me.

"Are you going to go give him a hug or some shit?" Erik laughed.

I nodded and started running to him.  Once I got close enough I jumped into his arms and hugged him.  We pulled away after a solid minute.

"Hi," I breathed.

"Hey," he responded.

We both just looked at each other in shock.  I then noticed Tubbo filming.  Thank god I had my mask on.  

"You guys knew this was happening?!?" I yelled, pointing at the other 4.

They all nodded.

"You lovebirds had to meet up somehow," Tubbo shrugged.

"Do you actually have a meeting?" I asked Erik.

"Nope!" he laughed.

"You asshole," I smiled.

We all went and got lunch.  Ranboo and I had somehow ended up holding hands and got laughed at by our friends when we realized.  I was also told that we would be staying with Tubbo.  That was way better than a hotel.  Ranboo then offered for one of us to stay with him because Tubbo probably didn't have enough space.  I ended up getting forced into it.  We then decided that we would move our stuff tomorrow morning.

This is going to be the best trip ever.

A/n:  HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!  I'M BACK BITCHESS!!!!!!!  I hope you are all having a great day/night!

(990 words)

What's your gender?  (Wrong answers only)

I identify as a dinosaur.  I'm dead on the inside and make weird ass noises randomly.  Everyone imagines me as cute but I will kill you.  My pronouns are *insert dino noises here*.

Love or Host - Ranboo x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now