The Tweet

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Y/n's POV:

"Hey chat!  Stream with Bean today!  On the SMP!" I yelled as I switched from my "Starting Soon" screen to Minecraft.

I saw lot's of people spamming about Bean.  Bean was my friend Erik.  His name wasn't out on the internet unlike mine.  I was lucky to have him as a friend.  He convinced me to start streaming which was one of the greatest decisions I've ever made.

"Yep chat!  Let me join vc with him really fast.  Here's a warning for the headphone users."

I joined vc and screamed as loud as I could.


I laughed and ended up on the floor dying from laughter.

"Hold on chat.  Y/n is going insane," Bean told his and my chat.

I finally was able to get up off the floor and get back in my chair.

"I'm back," I said as I wiped the tears that had fallen while I was laughing.

"Welcome back bitch," Bean responded.

"Shut up asshole."

We played on the SMP we had created for around another 2 hours.  Chat then started spamming about some Love or Host tweet.

"There's a Love or Host?" I asked.

"I think so.  My chat is spamming about it," Bean responded.

"Same.  Let me check," I said.

I paused my game and opened up twitter on my second monitor.  I found the tweet and read it to myself.

"Ok.  So Ranboo is having a Love or Host.  Lot's of people want me to join apparently," I told Bean and the people in chat that didn't know.  

"You should sign up!  It would be a very funny stream," Bean suggested.

"I might later.  I'm going to end stream now.  Are you gonna keep streaming?"  I asked Bean.

"Yeah, for another 2 hours or so.  Longer stream today," he answered.

"I'll raid you then.  Bye Bean!" I told him.

"Bye Y/n!"

I then left the vc and ended stream, raiding Erik as promised.  I then opened up twitter and decided to audition for the Love or Host.  It would be a funny stream if I was in it as Erik said.

I pulled up the audition form and read the directions.  Apparently you had to make a video about why you should be in it.  I decided to make it as weird as possible.

(A/n:  idk if this is actually how it works but just go with it lol)

I walked over to my closet and pulled out a dinosaur onesie.  I also then took my LED mask from when I did facecam streams.  I put on the onesie and the mask and recorded the video.  I covered everything it asked and submitted my video.  I didn't know what to do after so I rejoined the vc with Erik.

"Hey Bean!" I screamed as I joined.


I started laughing for about 5 more minutes.  When I stopped I asked if he was still live.

"Yeah, I'm still live," he answered.  "What did you do while you were gone?"

"I'll let you in on a little secret Bean and Bean's chat.  I auditioned for Ranboo's Love or Host."

I had Erik's stream open and saw chat going insane.  They all went on twitter and started to respond to Austin's tweet to try and get me in.  I laughed at their antics.  

"YES!" Bean yelled.  "IF YOU GET IN IT WILL BE GREAT!"

"I guess," I laughed.  "But that's IF I get in."

"Knowing how my chat is, you probably will."

We chatted until he had to end stream.  After that, I looked at the time.  10 pm.  It wasn't that late.  For me at least.  I went downstairs to grab a snack.  I found my friend Felix on the couch.

"What the fuck are you doing here Felix?" I asked him.  It was normal for him to show up at random times.

"I got bored and came here.  I also might have watched all of Heartstopper too," he answered.

"WITHOUT ME?!?  I feel betrayed," I yelled, acting sad.

"I'm up to watch it again."

"Oh fuck yeah."

A/n:  FIRST CHAPTER DONE!!  Feeling good.  I have the whole book planned.  I think it's about 20 chapters so it is shorter than the other one.  I'm hoping to get it done by July but that probably won't happen lol.  Anyways, have a great day/night!

(724 words)

What's your favorite stuffed animal that you have?

Mine is my giant tiger that I got at a zoo.  His name is Tigey.  So original, I know.

Love or Host - Ranboo x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now