My Person

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Steve was walking around the streets of New York, he needed some fresh air and time to think all by himself. It has been 2 years since the blip and he still had his mind wrapped around Peggy and how it could've been. He stopped at one the park's bench and sat, he watched as the people walked around, rode their bikes and chatted away. He bowed his head down and stared at his hands.

"You know you look older when you're sad." Steve smiled and looked up. Natasha stood before him with a noticeable smirk on her face. "Coffee?" She offered. He took it, "thanks." She sat beside him and had a sip of her coffee, "I figured, 'he slept long enough, he needs to be awake now' so I got you one." She added with a light chuckle. Steve laughed at her thoughts. "I agree." He looked at her and sipped his coffee. He watched as she watched the people around them going about their business. He studied her features, how calm she looked almost unguarded but somehow still a hint of despair. "It's impolite to stare Cap." She said without looking at him. "Sorry, just-" "It's all good. Now do you want to talk about why you're here all alone?" She asked, finally faced him and he averted her eyes. "I just...I just need some time to think." She tilted her head, curious about his answer. "You're rethinking being an Avenger?" She asked. " Joining the Avengers is one of the best decisions I've done. It''s about Peggy." Natasha inhaled and nodded at his honesty. "What about her?" Steve looked her and smiled. "Just curious about what it could've been. If I was never frozen in ice, would we be happy? She got married and had a family, she had a good life. It makes me think that if I was around more during our time, if I could give her that." He said. Natasha nodded in agreement. "You're a man who is focused on serving for the greater good." She said. "Would you give up being a soldier if she had asked you to?" She added. That got Steve to think deeper. Would he give up the one thing he fought so hard to be a part of, for someone who had captured his heart, for Peggy? "Steve?" He looked at and watched her sip her coffee some more. "I guess, I wouldn't." He said with honesty. Natasha gave him a small smile. "Then there's your answer." She patted his knee and stood. She took a few steps away from him before he stopped her. "What do you mean?" He asked with outmost curiosity. She smiled, "Steve, you tried is hard to be a part of the army. Then you did, because a doctor believed in you integrity. Then you agreed to be part the Super Soldier Experiment and that made you the greatest soldier America has ever had. Along that process, you always said that Peggy believed in you and stood by you. So, you fell in love with her. You are willing to do anything for her. But if she asked you to leave the army, you wouldn't." Steve looked at her confused, still not understanding her point to it all.

"If you truly love someone, you should be able to whole hearted do anything for them. Give up on your dreams and make a new with them. Move across the country for the, even kill for them." She added. He was stunned by her statement. "I'm not saying you didn't love her, but she's not your person." She gave him a sad smile and turned to leave. She started walk further and further away from him. He watched as she got smaller and smaller due to their distance. He took the last sip of his coffee and jogged to catch up to the red head who seemed to be a fast walker. "My person?" He asked as he got closer to her. Natasha smirked at him as she kept walking, "what does that even mean?" She stopped and faced him, looked at him in the eyes. Blue sky eyes met emerald green ones. "Your person. Someone who you are willing to do anything for no questions asked. Was my explanation earlier not clear enough?" She chuckled a bit. "You told me, if you're were awake all those years ago and Peggy asked you to stop being a soldier, say to start a family and be home safe and sound, you wouldn't. It's because you are a man with ambition and it was to be a part of the Army, even before Peggy came along. You never truly participated in dating anymore alongside James, because your goal was to serve the country not settle down. So I don't think she's your person, because I think your person is not a person. It's serving the country and achieving the greater good." She said nonchalantly. Steve was truly amazed at her explanation. "And do tell how the amazing Black Widow, the most dangerous assassin America has ever seen, knows so much about having a "person"?" He asked, and that caught her off guard. She looked away from his gaze and inhaled deeply. "Because I thought, Once upon a time a long time ago, that I found my person. Just like you. But just like you, I was wrong." She shrugged and continued walking past the Super Soldier.

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