Chapter 22

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"Abir!" came out Mishti's low voice, the voice Abir was eagerly waiting for HER VOICE... Half an hour after the doctor left, he was sitting on the chair beside the bed on which his sweetheart was lying unconscious waiting eagerly for her beautiful eyes whose one look at him always made him feel that he have got everything...

Abir looked toward mishti asking her, Are you, ok sweetheart? Wait I will call the doctor...

That's when Mishti asked, Abir! How is the lady whose accident had happened ?? Is she alright? Abir was astonished listening to mishti's question but he knew deep inside how she always cares not about herself but more about others, though they be a stranger.

Looking at his sweetheart who was eagerly waiting for him to answer her question he quickly messaged his men to get the information about the lady whose accident had happened there, after a few minutes they messaged him back telling back that the lady was out of danger and okay... Abir told mishti the information, and the stress lines on her head quickly disappeared and she felt relaxed a bit...

As Abir had also messaged my men to send the doctor in, the doctor came in and started checking mishti's vital & asked her how she was feeling to which she replied fine.

Then asked her if she was dealing with any anxiety issues or past trauma or phobia...

Mishti went full-on silent mode when the doctor asked her she was deeply lost in her thoughts that unknown to her a tear made its way out of her eyes which had not got unnoticed by Abir...

She quickly wiped out and flashed her smile again which Abir knew was not real, but just a facade to hide something...

"Yes! Doctor... I had phobias of blood & darkness in the past, but I have overcome that and also the trauma of losing my parents, but I had taken medication and was successful in overcoming the trauma... " Mishti told the doctor

The doctor nodded acknowledging the provided information and was further talking with mishti telling her about medication and other things to which mishti was simply nodding...

Here Abir was just standing there dumb thinking about what trauma would have been which affected his Mishti these much, he knew about how losing your parents is like his past had started playing in his mind but the doctor calling him brought him back to the present," Mr.Rajvansh, she is ok now if you wish you can take her back home now..."

"Okay! Doctor" that's was Abir replied. Listening to which the doctor immediately left...

And Abir's & Mishti's eyes, one wanted to ask many questions and was ready to do anything to see her smile again & the other one wished to tell everything and let her heart open to him and tell him everything about her past...

Mishti didn't know if this was really the right time to tell him everything about the horrible past, her worst memories of her childhood, but one thing she knew clearly was that a relationship should be transparent and both had the right to know everything about each other, that's how a relationship should be...

Mishti said gaining Abir's attention and holding his hand in her which he held back tightly making her calm as always, Abir... I want to tell you something about my past, my childhood, my parent's death...

From Mishti's point of view...

It was my 7th birthday, me, mom, dad and Bhai had decided to celebrate the birthday party at home only in the evening... Mom had made my favorite chocolate cake, I & dad were blowing up the balloons and bhai had gone out to bring my surprise gift home...

We were waiting eagerly for bhai to come back to start the celebrations that's when the doorbell rang I squealed in happiness thinking Mihir Bhai is back and was going to open the door but my mom said let's do some fun with your bhai and she made me hide in the cupboard which was in our living room, and I too quickly went to hide inside the cupboard...

I was peeking out from the small space from inside the cupboard when dad to went to open the door...

I heard the gunshot directly on dad's head and the THUD sound as he collapsed down on the floor lying as blood started flowing out of his head, the man with the mask shot him two more times, which was followed by my mom screaming and telling him to stop ...

But instead of stopping he shot mom which resulted in her lying in a pooled of blood just near the cupboard, I was hiding in I was shocked and dumb seeing which affected the little me in fainting just inside the cupboard as darkness surrounded me...

But when my eyes opened I didn't know I had lost my dad, I was in the hospital bed, and bhai sitting beside me, and when he told me about losing dad & mom in ICU... I was just crying crying and crying, the scene when mom and dad were shot was replaying in my head again & again , bhai somehow calmed me down a little and that's when the nurse came in telling bhai the doctor is calling him, I clutched his shirt tightly I didn't want him to leave me too... I feared..

So bhai took me out with him too...

Mihir bhai held my hand tightly as the doctor told him "Sorry we couldn't save your mother due to heavy blood loss...She is no more..."

----------------------End of mishti's point of view-----------

Back In the PRESENT...

Mishti broke down into a pool of tears as she stopped telling Abir, Abir was heartbroken seeing her tears... He quickly took mishti in a hug in his embrace comforting her, in response to which she hugged him back as she sobbed...


I am back!!!! After such a long time... I am sorry to you all for not publishing new chapters...

I know these sorries are not going to make up for the time I was not here, but I had some reasons and still have, & we all have problems in our life as that's what life is all about right... No more gyaan...

And I want to say you all a big THANK YOU for reading my stuff... LOVE YOU ALL!!!

That's it for today guys... Stay tuned!!



Everything was playing in my mind again & again... And that too with a thought of 'Will she leave me if she gets to know about my dark side, me being The Mafia King?' And my heart was telling me again & again, 'No she will NEVER leave you! She loves you...'

That's true that she loves me the same way I do, but my mind screaming & telling me that she will leave me after knowing that I am a Mafia AND I LIED TO HER...


Sorry if there's any mistake in the chapter, I don't know more about medical stuff so if something is wrong with that then please pardon me...


Take care...

See ya...

Thank you ❤️

Stolen The Mafia King's Heart - Mishbir FFWhere stories live. Discover now