Chapter 10

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Next day..

Author's POV

Mishti's day was good today as always but she felt like something was missing.. she was not happy as always she used to be.. And her bhabhi (sister-in-law) Isha got to know about it by just seeing her face as the Mishti who is always smiling, the smile on her face was missing when she came back from her college.. Isha decided to know about the reason..

Mishti was sitting on the couch in the living room watching tv but not a bit interested in TV it was just playing on..

Isha came there and sat beside mishti on the couch.. Mishti passed a small smile to Isha. Isha decided to start the conversation..

Isha : Mishtii!! Are you ok? Any problem?

Mishti : No problem! Bhabhi.. Why?

Isha : Nothing you just look a bit off today that's why... How was your day?

Mishti : The day was good bhabhi, but don't know why I am feeling that something is missing.. I am feeling.. not good..

Isha : It happens sometimes.. Let's go shopping and a movie tomorrow.. we will do much fun and your mood will also get lit.. And I will call Ishita & Vatsal too..

Mishti : Hmm...

Mishti's POV

I know I am missing Abir! But why?? And that too in just one day, we just met yesterday.. don't know why but the thought of him going away, was also making me sad yesterday... I think we are those good friends that I miss him so much... But what is these different feeling? I also miss Ishita sometimes when she is not there but I don't go through these weird feelings... OMG!! I think I am stressing these matter a bit more...

What would be he doing? Would he have been reached safely? Should I call him to ask? It's 8:30 pm I think he might have been reached.. wait what will be the time there, Yes it will be something like 11 am there.. I shall message him to ask.. YES! So I messaged..

Abir you reached?
How are you?

After a few seconds.. there popped up a notification, there came Abir's reply. I read his reply and felt a sudden good feeling in my heart..  

Yes! I reached just some time ago..
I am fine..

Good! You take care..

How are you?

I am good!

Take care!
Bye.. I need to go..
We will talk later..

It's alright! Don't be sorry..

Abir's POV

If it would have been not that important meeting I would never have come to Newyork.. It's an important deal for the expansion of my business.. Just now I have reached here and started missing my sweetheart Mishti...

What would be she doing? Will she be ok? I have told Aarnav to arrange some guards for her safety? Don't know how these days are going to go without her.. Miss you sweetheart very much...

I was thinking about her only and here comes her message.. Such a beautiful coincidence.. I read her msg and just one thing came to mind that she is so caring.. a few years ago I didn't have anyone like her to ask me about myself? But the way she cares for me attracts me more towards her.. I quickly replied to her that I reached some time ago and I am fine..

She quickly replied back.. and I asked her about how she is? She replied that she is good.. wait just GOOD! as I know she always says I am AWESOME!! whenever I ask her these questions..

Just then Aarnav comes calling me as we have to reach the hotel for an important meeting.. I just messaged Mishti, that we will talk later and I am sorry.. she replied back saying it's ok! don't be sorry! Bye! A smile got formed on my face seeing her reply..



Mishti's POV

Many things happened in the last few days.. I am still feeling different and I am sometimes deep down my thoughts.. and also having sleepless nights, sometimes dreams of the moments I have shared with Abir till now.. don't know what is happening inside me..

Ishita also got confused when I told her about the things I am going through.. but then after some time what she told me was really mad!! She thinks I Am In Love!! and that too with Abir.. but how's it possible it's just impossible how can I be in love with Abir as we are just good friends nothing else but these is what my mind told me.. here my Heart tells a different thing to me which totally agrees with Ishita's words..

I don't know what's going on but I am not able to concentrate on anything these days..

But I really miss Abir a lot.. My heart urges to see him unknowingly..

I can feel someone poking on my shoulder, I moved back to see and there's Ishita and I know what she is going to say.. she is saying this same thing for the last few days..

Ishita : Mishtii!! You were totally lost today the whole day.. and I am here continuously calling you.. I wanted to tell you something..

Mishti : I am sorry don't know when I got zoned out..

Ishita : DON'T be Sorry! Mish... I know about whom are you thinking... (with a wink)

Mishti : Yes! I am thinking about Abir.. but now please don't start that Fallen in Love thing..

Ishita : Ok! I wanted to tell you that I am going out with Vatsal today so you need to go home alone.. Sorry!!

Mishti : (smiles) It's ok! You both enjoy..

Ishita : And you please think about it once again.. You know I have read somewhere.. "The person you miss the most when everyone is around you.. You are in love with the one"

I just passed a small smile to her on those lines.. I also think I need to think about it once again.. because I too feel that I have some kind of different feelings towards Abir..


First of all to everyone reading these a big sorry!! I know I was Gayab I mean to say not here not updating and I am really sorry for that.. actually, it sometimes happens with me that my mind doesn't work, and I don't feel to do anything.. so I was on a break not writing anything.. I am sorry!!

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Sorry for each and every grammatical and other mistakes in the chapter..

Take care!!

Thank you ❤️


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