Highschool (1)

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A/N: Hello! I am writing this story with slightly American words because that's where Jeff is meant to be from.

2) A/N: This may be inappropriate for some users as it includes:
- Gore details
- Cursing/swearing
- Sexual activity or topics
- Drug use or alcohol addiction topics
- Sensitive topics in general

Reader's POV

It's almost Halloween and I'm in 11th grade now. My dad had a heart attack when I was four years old so he isn't around anymore. I never had so many friends growing up at Highschool nor without school. I am a person who doesn't socialise that much nor leave my bedroom that much on weekends. Ever since I was 9, I wanted to get involved in murder or crimes. Criminology is my thing that I want to study, my second plan is too be a psychiatrist.


- At school -

You got into your classroom and sat in the back. You were happy you could sit at the back because most of the time the teachers would pick on people from the front.

It was during English and you were studying about poems. You only paid attention since you were doing a poem about murder.

Suddenly, a boy named Owen shouted out, "Miss, did you hear about that murderer who's still killing after 3 years of not getting caught? Jeff the killer?"

"Yes I did, and it's true that he is a murder in our local area, but is that appropriate right now Owen?" Miss Saffron questioned.


The lessons went on for the whole day until school ended. Since it was autumn, the sky got dark early. Your mom thought it was ridiculous how a teacher could keep a child at school for detention when it's dark out.
Plus, some kids take 1 hour to get to school on transportation so they would travel to go home in the dark (even if they had a detention) for 1 hour.

As you walked in the dark through the not-so-busy streets and felt like you were being watched. You didn't stop in your tracks, but you had a uncomfortable sense surrounding you all the way to your house.

Reader's POV

- At home -

I got home and decided to have a warm shower. I still don't under how people have cold showers, it's irritating for me. I got my clothes out with some matching underwear. I put out some creams, sprays and other things for after my shower.

As I got in the shower, it felt nice. I liked it when I felt the hot taps of water on me. I reached my sponge and body wash.


I finished washing my body and hair. I already put my clothes on. I was wearing my f/c, plain, long t-shirt with no writing also some black + white shorts. I put my face creams on and other things like that.

As I got into my warm, cozy bed, I heard a knock on my window. I slipped out of bed and pulled up my blinds. I saw nothing. No one. I opened my window and looked out to see if anyone/anything was there. Nothing.

I ignored the knock. I think it was just a mishearing. I climbed back into my bed after locking my window and pulling down my blinds. I peacefully drifted into a deep slumber.

- The next day -

I woke up, brushed my teeth, went on my phone for a while, had breakfast and walked to school.

I got out my textbooks and pencil case. I had Geography for 1st period. It was so boring. I had to sit there and listen to the teacher talk about climate and weather.

Then I had RS (religious studies) for 2nd period and was learning about beliefs of Islam, I wasn't really listening.

After break, I had Maths, which was obviously boring as hell, for 3rd period.

Then finally for fourth period, I had drama and I was so lucky because we were acting in four different groups about a murder scene. It was actually fun.

- Lunch Time -

During 4th period, I made a friend. It was Owen from English. I didn't know how to talk to him most of the time, but we talked about horror and fan fiction together, which made me feel comfortable around him.

I was eating alone in the corner of the playground when I saw Owen walking towards me with someone. Him and the stranger sat down next to me.

"Hi Y/N! I wanted to introduce you someone named Sydney," Owen said happily. I didn't known Sydney's pronouns or anything so I asked about them.


Me, Sydney and Owen talked for the whole of break and introduced ourselves. I felt awkward at times when talking but I felt safe around my new friends.

Sydney was a laidback feminine teenager, who mostly liked wearing black. She had puffy, dirty blonde hair and would normally wear black lipstick, eyeshadow and eyeliner.
Sad thing was, she wasn't from me and Owen's class.

Owen was a green-eyed, teasing and masculine teenager (who would make actual funny jokes) with sliver hair. He didn't really have a style but would normally wear casual clothes. He felt like otherwise he would be showing off and didn't really want to attract attention.

We got along well to be honest. We decided to walk home together since we go similar ways.


"So uhm.. what are you guys going to be doing for Halloween?" Owen asked, trying to make some sort of conversation.

"I'm not sure, I haven't even thought of a costume. What about you, Y/N?" Sydney replied while asking me a question.

I shrugged, I didn't actually think of anything yet. Maybe I could ask my mom to see if she has any ideas. "I'm not sure either. Maybe we could thing of a group idea thing?" I replied.

I didn't think Owen or Sydney would agree to my suggestion, but they did. Owen told me and Sydney that we should start thinking of ideas at lunch tomorrow. We agreed.


I suddenly felt that uncomfortable chill of something or someone watching me. I had to ask, "Do you guys feel uncomfortable right now? Like someone is watching us?"

Owen shook his head at my question. Sydney replied, "Y/N? Are you sure you're okay? You sure you're not paranoid? If so you can tell me."

I shook my head Sydney's questions. Owen chuckled and went behind me and Sydney. We looked at him in total confusion. He suddenly had a weird-spooky type of voice, "DoNt WoRrY SiD, I bEt JeFf Is WaTcHinG OvEr Y/N!"

"I swear Owen your obsessed with him. You always talk about him and now trying to scare Y/N over him." Sydney said as she rolled her eyes. I chuckled a little. We all stared at each other and started laughing.


As the fun ended, we had to go out separate ways. I rushed home after they left so I can tell mum the good news. She'd be surprised to know I was finally socialising since I'm normally a loner.

Criminal (Jeff the killer x Girl Reader)Where stories live. Discover now