~ chapter 5 ~

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Both Stella and the employee looked at you closely.

"Any child except Y/N they're my child" Stella said as she looked back at the employee.

"Wait Y/N is your kid?!" The employee said

"Yes I'm adopting them, so they can play with toys and have the same experience with toys like I had as a kid!" Stella said laughing

"Okay, um what about that kid over there I think her name is Lila" the employee said pointing.

"Sounds great we need another kid to be a cat bee anyways, she looks like the one!" Stella said

"Okay I'll go get my experiment stuff, tell Y/N you're adopting them then get Lila into my office" the employee said walking off

Stella went up to where you were with a big smile on her face. You looked up at her a little confused

"Y\N I'll be adopting you!" Stella said grabbing your hands

"Really??? Omg I get to be your kid!!" You say jumping up and down.

"Yes! Now I gotta do something very important for work, I'll call you when it's time to go home!" Stella said crouching down to your level.

"Okay!" You said running and going to play.

Stella walked off to find Lila, Stella assumed she was talking to the toys. It took around 10 minutes to find Lila but when she finally did it she had kinda a evil smile on her face.

"Lila I'm gonna need you to follow me alright?" Stella said acting nice And calm.

"Yeah, sure" Lila said as she started to follow her into a room. When they got into the room the employee locked the door.

"What's happening..?"  Lila said anxiously

"All we need you to do is lay down on the table and it will be over soon" Stella said

Lila agreed to lay down but when she did she was strapped down so she couldn't move. They put an IV in her arm which hurt.

"Stop it hurts!!" Lila said screaming

They didn't just give Lila an IV they put in needles, stickers etc. it didn't feel good either it felt like hell. Soon Lila it's a cat bee. Just then Y/N came in the room.

"Y/N not now I'll be out in a minute" Stella said

"Oh okay!" Y/N said as they ran out of the room

A/N: this is for someone last chapter. Sorry if I hit your personality wrong. Have a good day or night!

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