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Hello there.

So before I write this I just wanted to clear some things up.

1. This will be the only or one of the very few A/N I do because I know you guys are just here to read about funny small people fighting funny big naked people.

2. This story is sort of like the original to my other story "A Scouts Journal" and now that one will sort be like a spin-off of sorts. Think of it as taking the George Lucas route, 4,5,6 before 1,2,3, except in this case it's spin-off before original.

3. This story will have some dark themes to it that aren't really touched upon that much in AOT. Some are and some aren't. I will put a warning over the chapters that get more triggering than the others so don't worry.

4. I will try my best to constantly update this but shit with school might make it hard but I will try my best.

5. If some of the characters don't seem like they do in the show that's because I'm stupid but I will try my best to keep it as 100% accurate as possible.

6. The Characters will be aged up a little bit so by the end of training they will all be 18 with exception of one being 19, the plot will remain unchanged and so will the 13 year rule. Think of it as they were born three years earlier but major events happened in the original years

7. Just enjoy reading and I hope all you lovely people have a great day.

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