Chapter 8

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The first few weeks of training was kinda hard but I got the hang of it. If I don't understand a move or fighting technique, I always ask Logan for help. Today, we're gonna learn something new, well according to Bailey #2. But she has a surprise for us.

"There will be a testing."

Oh crap, I thought

She continued, "Each one of you will be escorted to a room where you will be facing an imaginary opponent. If you're defeated, you're done. If not, you move on in the training program," she smirked, "Good luck" and then she went.


Luckily, my escort was Logan.

"You have to remember to know where to kick and punch and how much power you need to knockout your opponent." he said.

I nodded and nodded. He kept on saying things that I didn't catch them because I was to nervous. What if I don't make it? That would be shameful. We arrive to the room. He turn to face me.

"I know your nervous and scared. Just shake it off. It helps." he says.

I did. He patted my shoulder.

"Good luck" he said. He went, leaving me all alone to enter the room.

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