Chapter 4

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I woke up in what seems like a hospital. the only difference was that, this place was bigger. The same lady and guy was staring at me.

"Oh my gosh" the lady said.

"She looks exactly like you" the guy said.

The lady has a mechanical right arm. Well technically, from her point of view, it's her left.

I just realized something, the guy was right, the lady looks exactly like me.

"What's your name?" the lady asked me

"Bailey. Bailey Rue Lancaster" I replied

"Same name, same looks..." the guy muttered.

"Shut up, Logan" The lady, who appearently is me, said to him.

"Age?" she asked me.

"18" I replied

"What the-" 

"Shut up, Logan"   She said, again. She turns to me, "Father's name?" she asks

"Frederick" I replied

Bailey #2 looks shocked all of the sudden. "Logan, we need to talk." she said.

She takes him by the arm and leads him outside of my hospital room. She looks alot like me. The difference is that she's a badass version of me. Ponytailed hair, olive green tank top, black pants, black combat boots, and a freaking mechanicl arm. Now, don'y tell me that that isn't badass.

Then, something hits me.

Where's mom? Where's dad? Where am I? What is this place?

I try to get out of my bed but I couldn't. What was in that serum?

They came back. I started asking questions in panic, "Where's mom? Where's dad? Where am I? What is this place?"

"Woah, calm down okay?" Logan said with his hands up.

"We'll go up ther and do a scan okay? To see if we can find some evidence of your attackers. Logan will stay with you and give you a tour once you are in good condition." Bailey #2 said.

"what do you mean by 'good condition'?" I asked

I look down at my arms and suddenly, I know what she meant. There were scatches and bruises everywhere and I don't think my back is doing well.

'We'll leave you to rest now" Bailey #2 said, "Come on Logan"

They left. Oh gosh, what am I suppose to do now?

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