Chapter 26

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Catra laid curled up on top of her covers, trying to tune out the soft chatter of people in the other room. Her door remained closed tight from the moment they entered the apartment, with the reasonable excuse that she was exhausted and needed some peace. Now that Catra was here though, she was anything but relaxed. She rolled over again, looking for any possible semblance of comfort and failing to find it.

The sound of Adora's voice reached her, the knowledge that she was mere feet away never leaving her mind. With a groan, Catra pulled a pillow around her head, covering her ears, in the hopes of drowning out the sound. She knew that at some point they would leave. That Bow was mad and needed to blow off steam, that Scorpia would want to see Perfuma and Adora would want to see not only her old friends but Glimmer as well. Lonnie, of course, had Rogelio. And Catra was alone. Per usual.

She sniffed, but there were no tears in her eyes, no semblance of any emotion besides numbness. You know we have a lot in common? Double Trouble's words played again and again in her head. She had been afraid to hear it, afraid to admit that she could be anything like that traitor. We are both alone. "Get out of my head," Catra mumbled, clenching her fists. But the words kept playing, an even tempo against the groups chatter.

Despite tossing and turning, at some point the outside world went quiet and Catra finally felt a moment to relax. The moment Adora stepped into her room and announced she was leaving.


"My flight leaves tonight."

Catra struggled to sit up, the blankets curled around her even though she didn't remember going under them. "No. Don't. Not yet." Her voice sounded feeble and small, begging even. Adora just shrugged, her expression one of bland contempt.

"I'm not really sure why I came in the first place."

"What are you talking about?" Catra tried to unknot herself, as if the blankets were purposefully holding her hostage. It was hot, too hot. "Get these off me," She pulled an arm free as Adora stood. "Adora wait!"

"Goodbye Catra. I hope you find what you're looking for."

Catra cried out, grabbing for Adora's arm but missing as she walked to the door without looking back. "Don't do this!" but it was too late, the blonde ponytail already disappearing into the shadows.

"Stop!" Catra sat up with a start, her heart racing as someone jumped back in surprise. She was covered in sweat, gasping for air but thankfully still above the blankets and with full control of her limbs. It was just a dream. She relaxed, running a hand through her messy hair and peaking out the window towards a setting sun. She must have slept for hours.


Catra turned, startled towards Adora who was standing at the edge of her bed, watching her. "How long have you been there?" Her cheeks warmed at the reminder of the dream she just escaped. She hoped she hadn't actually called out for her.

"I was just checking on you and you seemed a little distressed. I was just going to put a blanket on you when you woke up."

"Oh," Catra nodded. Adora fidgeted with her hands as she looked around the bedroom.

"What were you dreaming about?"


"Oh," Adora continued walking around the room, giving a small smile as she evaluated the pictures and décor. "It sounded like you said my name."

Catra froze but recovered quickly. "I must have said Fedora. Like the hat."

Adora gave her a look but didn't outright deny it. "You woke up yelling 'stop'."

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