Chapter 19

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Double Trouble tapped the clipboard in their hands with an impatient smirk when Adora strolled in to the venue. She took a moment to look around the large empty room as Double Trouble swept in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. The Crimson Waste looked different in the sunlight and Adora found it was actually quite nice when you got past the grime that seemed to be on every surface. She stole a glance towards the stage, hoping for a glimpse of the band, but it was empty beside someone setting up mics. Double Trouble cleared their throat, stealing Adora's attention and offering a hand with a pleasant hello. Adora took it, offering a firm handshake as she took them in.

They were tall, Adora knew that much, but they looked even taller up close. With a lean frame and low shoulders, Double Trouble loomed over her, their upturned chin and nose only accentuating their long neck and the sly smile that spread from one high cheekbone to the other. They looked attractive and powerful and Adora was momentarily impressed. She was startled by the resemblance between them and Catra. Something in Double Trouble's eyes were so familiar to her; a mischievous glint she had seen many times on her girlfriend's face.

As Adora looked them over, they did the same to her, their eyes trailing over her as their smile turned tight and forced. Whatever conclusion was made was quickly hidden behind a masked expression and a returned bright smile. Adora pretended not to notice. "Adora," They said happily, giving her hand a tight squeeze before releasing her. "So glad you came."

Adora nodded absent mindedly, thanking them for the invitation with a plastered smile of her own. Movement backstage suddenly caught her attention, but Double Trouble stepped in front of Adora again, blocking her. She tried not to huff as they wrapped an arm around her shoulders and tugged her away from the stage and towards stairs leading to the second story. "It's better if we don't tell them you're here yet," They whispered in explanation, "Wouldn't want to distract them." Double Trouble didn't wait for a response as they pushed her through but cast a glance of uneasiness towards the curtain.

She thought about defying them completely. After all, this was her girlfriend and she had a right to see her but something still stopped her. Perhaps the importance of being on Double Trouble's good side, or perhaps she did believe she was a distraction of sorts. The thought gave her pause, and in that moment, Double Trouble pushed them through to the second floor and Adora caught a glimpse of the band walking on stage.

They were chit chatting mildly. It sounded like Bow was sharing something about Glimmer with a big smile on his face. Catra looked bored and Scorpia, whose smile was larger than anyone's, was listening intently, adding in her own comments about how nice it had been to meet new people last night. Adora grinned at the group, hoping Catra would look up and smile back, but she went unnoticed. Instead, Catra refocused on the task at hand, listening to someone with a walkie-talkie tell them where to stand and giving signals to the light guy.

Adora watched, mesmerized by the band at work. She wished to be closer, to be standing with them, and leaned over the railing to listen. She loved to watch Catra like this, so focused and steady. There was no indication of a late night or lack of sleep. Adora tried not to smile as Catra placed a single hand on her hip and leaned into it with a raise of an eyebrow, a pose she usually took when she was about to show everyone up.

"She's done well," Double Trouble said from her side, joining her against the railing. Adora watched them, their eyes following the band with as much curiosity as Adora. No, not the band - Catra. They smiled fondly at her while Adora watched them. "Come sit," They said after a moment, waving a hand and taking a seat at a small sticky table next to the bar. Adora looked to Catra, wanting to stand longer but feeling Double Trouble's eyes on her, waiting. With a sigh, she joined them, crossing her arms as she sat down.

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