Chapter 20

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Catra paced back and forth in her empty apartment. Her new, empty, expensive yet crappy apartment she had rented for her and Adora. Her fingers clacked loudly at her phone as she walked.

"Adora, please come back. I can explain."

Feet hit the ground, gaining speed as Catra slammed one foot after the other across the wood floors. When she reached the window she paused, spun, and paced back. She checked her phone. No reply. She wondered if Adora was on the plane. That could explain it. Still, Catra couldn't sit still. She didn't want to stop and think about the fact that she couldn't afford this place, that she would have to find a roommate or move out. She felt sick to her stomach. Her downstairs neighbor hit a broom against the ceiling and Catra screamed profanities while stomped loudly in reply. She took a breath, checked her phone again. When it came up blank she sighed and collapsed to the ground, giving her a chance to catch her breath. The question of why she had signed without telling Adora kept bouncing around her head. She knew why, but now she felt foolish for keeping the truth from her.

The truth that their contract for the 10 week tour had already been taken from them after Catra had an episode with two of the members of the First Ones. Last night was their last night on tour. Entrapta was on their side which was a comfort. She was one of the few people who saw Catra's talent aside from her anger. The passion behind her pain. The others though, they couldn't deal with the constant attitude. Catra could feel everyone starting to hate her but it just made her angrier. It was how she was away from Adora. The only person who had ever been able to keep her calm and give her the chance to be her best self. Catra slumped against her knees, wrapping her arms tightly around herself as her lip quivered.

The First One's had said they could find a replacement easily and they did. Catra apologized to her bandmates, but the damage had been done. She had felt worse than ever when Double Trouble offered her a 6 month contract at The Crimson Waste. Entrapta knew the owners and was able to vouch for them. Scorpia was excited for the change. Lonnie thought this made them famous and repeatedly begged Catra to sign. Her and Bow had stayed up extra late that night talking.

"Have you talked to Adora yet?"

"No," Catra said, as the pair sat on the empty rooftop of the hotel. Catra had one foot hanging off the edge, the other tucked up next to her. Bow was sitting a few feet away from her, looking nervously at the far drop below them. Catra would normally laugh as she watched Bow's fear on full display but she wasn't in the mood tonight. Instead, she picked at her nails that were normally groomed to perfection. She snagged a corner of her finger, her nail sharply cutting into her, making her hiss as she drew blood. Bow was watching her curiously. "Why are you so nervous to talk to her?" He asked, as Catra sucked at her bloody finger.

she looked away. "I'm not nervous to talk to anyone." Bow scoffed, shaking his head. They sat in silence a moment, watching the planes going by, their lights shining into the mist of the foggy night.

"I wish I was on one of those," Bow whispered, his eyes following one into the clouds.

"You want to go home?" Catra wondered if this was his answer for the contract. If he was out.

"If everyone wants to do it, then I'm in," Bow replied, casting a smile in her direction. It fell almost at once. "But I wish Glimmer were here." He looked back out to where the plane had disappeared now and shrugged.

"I'm glad Adora's not here," Catra admitted, returning to picking at her nail. Bow gave her a look of pure confusion that made Catra laugh. "Look at me!" She cast her arms out, gesturing to herself. "I've been an absolute nightmare. I'm so angry all the time." Catra shook her head. "No, I'm glad she's not here. She would be ashamed of me. To know I haven't changed at all."

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