•° It's time to move on °•

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You woke up in the dingy but comfortable little bedroom Sarv let you stay in.

It was cold, really cold, but it didn't bother you too much.

Recently, your mother had come too close to figuring out where you were, and it started eating you up inside.

You couldn't bare the thought of her finding you again. The gossip and drama it would cause in your toxic relatives' little circle.

Or, if she'd manipulate you into coming home. Perhaps even into forgiving her for every single thing she'd put you through.

Deep down inside, something nagged at you. You didn't want to leave, but at the same time you felt out of place with ruv and sarv.

They'd been nice to you, but you couldn't help but feel like you were sapping up their already limited resources.

So, you decided that today, you would be leaving.

As you packed your small bag to the brim with the belongings that could fit in there, you heard footsteps approaching you.

You heard it, but didn't register it.
So when you heard a soft voice calling your name, you jumped

"Wh- Sarv??"

"What are you doing, Y/n?" Sarv looked over your shoulder and at your bag.

Her expression told you that she knew.
"Why are you going away so soon..? It's only been a month.."

"Listen, Sarv-"

"Did I do something wrong?? Did I say something??"

"No, you didn't, I just-"

"Am I too amnoying?? Have I overworked you??"

"Sarv! Listen to me!" You finally yelled.

A cold silence filled the room. You could only hear Sarv's quivering.

You felt horrible, the guilt almost overtaking you. Instead, you took a deep breath.

"This has nothing to do with you." You finally spoke.

"I just... since my mother came looking for me, she got too close by searching here. I'm paranoid and I don't want to face her again." You quietly explained

"But where will you go..?" Sarv asked in a hushed and concerned tone.

You sat down on your bed, putting your head into your hands.

"I don't know.. I don't know where I'll go, or even if I'll survive the next month or so. But I don't want to put you guys in danger, or take up supplies you guys barely have. I feel like a leech and I can't give anything back to you." You sighed.

"So I need to leave." You finished.

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