Chapter Seven

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It was fuzzy, but I could tell somebody was kissing me. I could feel their soft lips on mine, and I was enjoying it. My eyes were closed, and I didn’t know who it was.

            “Lacey,” I heard the person murmur. “Lacey, I love you.”

“Get away from me!” I yelled loudly. My head was pounding like the beats of a drum. Sitting up, I saw that I was in a darkened room, painted cream. Kara’s bedroom.

            “Lacey?” I heard her mumble as she sat up from the camp bed on the floor. Hell she’d let me sleep in the bed!

            “Sorry, bad dream,” I muttered as I remembered what had wakened me so early. Checking the digital clock on the side, I saw it was only 5.04am. Seeing Kara lay down again, I tried to remember what happened last night. Hell. The blurred memory slowly came back to me, and then it was a matter of trying not to remember. How was I going to survive English lessons now? Then I recalled the events of the dream and had to bite my lip to stop me from screaming. How was I going to go back to sleep? I shuddered just thinking about it. First I sit next to the boy in English, and now he invades my dreams? I was going to kill him at school on Monday.

Finally, I did go back to sleep, and it was dreamless, fortunately. It was now 11am, and Kara and I were awake, after having a lie in.

            “My head kills,” she groaned.

            “Mine too,” I agreed. She went downstairs to get us some headache pills. Hangovers were horrible. By the time she came upstairs, I decided that I wouldn’t tell her why I wanted to come back early.

            “So what was up last night?” she asked after taking a gulp of water.

            “I felt sick,” I lied. “Too much drink.”

            “Oh. Shall we go shopping today?”

            “Okay, are you up to it with the headache and all?”

            “Of course, you packed some spare clothes, right?” I nodded in reply, and then asked to use the bathroom. I cleaned myself up, sorted out the mess that had become of my hair by tying it up and then went back out to Kara.

When we were both ready, (I was wearing some skinny jeans, a t-shirt with cute ninjas on and my denim jacket), I sent a text to my Mum telling her I was going into town, and then we both left for the bus stop. As usual, we timed the journey just right, so we only had to wait a minute for the bus to arrive. It was almost empty for a change, so Kara and I sat at the back.

            “So what actually happened at the party?” she persisted.

            “It doesn’t matter.”

            “I’m your best friend, Lace, you can tell me.”

            “I just felt sick, that’s all, like I said.”

            “Hmm, well tell me when you’re ready then.” I looked down at my feet for the rest of the journey, guilty for not telling her about Lewis.

The bus arrived at the town’s bus station, so we got off, and happily skipped towards the shopping centre – all hard feelings vanishing.

            “Let’s go in HMV!” Kara squealed excitedly. I followed her into the shop. I liked music stores – they were the best, after book shops of course. Kara ran off to the pop section, and I just hung around the front of the shop where new CDs were. There it was, the Avril Lavigne CD I had wanted to buy for a month.

Picking it up, I took the CD from the shelf and checked the track list. From youtube, I knew I liked pretty much all of the tracks.

            “You have bad music taste,” I heard someone say from over my shoulder.

            “It’s better than yours,” I muttered, recognising that irritating voice anywhere. Putting the CD down, I walked away.

            “Going without saying goodbye Jennings?” he teased. Did he not get the message last night? Ignoring him, I tried to find Kara, but I couldn’t see her. She was probably looking at the t-shirts at the back. “Come on, Jennings, I’m sorry for kissing you, I was drunk.”

            “Yeah that makes two of us.”

            “Friends again?”

            “We were never friends, Jackson.” I began to walk away, but he pulled me back again.

            “Go out with me tomorrow,” he whispered into my ear. Pulling away, I turned around to face him, putting my hand on my hip.

            “But Jackson, I’ll have a headache tomorrow,” I said sweetly, and finally turned away.

            “I lied, you actually do have good music taste,” was the last thing I heard as I left the shop. Outside, I sent a text to Kara saying that I’d be in the book shop across the street.

 Note: Okay, don't shoot me - it's a bit short and random and alot of other words. I'll try and make it better next time but no promises, I've got a stupid french speaking exam on Wednesday and I need to learn my answers to the questions.

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