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"This is the curse of having too much time to think about it."

When Penny was born Kellin felt like the happiest man in the universe. He remembered the moment so vividly still, even after four years. He'd never get over that feeling, how he felt when he first saw her and held her. The second she was in his arms it was as if his life finally started to make sense, like every moment he ever lived led to that single instant with that tiny, fragile being in his arms. Nothing else would ever matter anymore.

He cried a little of course, or rather a lot, just mere seconds after she was born. He was so scared, but at the same time, he was so happy. He couldn't believe such an amount of happiness was even possible, but he was feeling it all over. That little human was his. That little baby was theirs...

"Hi little one," Kellin whispered at the bundled-up newborn in his arms.

The nurses had wrapped the baby in warm fuzzy blankets and a pink hat rested on top of her little head. She was so beautiful and so, so small. He was afraid of holding her too tight, of making her uncomfortable. The nurse had just dropped her off after cleaning her up and Kellin had the pleasure of holding her for now.

"She has your eyes," Ellie's voice came from the hospital bed and Kellin turned to look at his wife.

She offered him a tired grin. Kellin couldn't understand how she managed to look so perfect after being in labor for hours, but he wasn't surprised. She was so badass. He didn't know how he got so lucky.

He offered another grin in return. "Well, I had to give her something."

Ellie laughed softly and Kellin stepped closer to where she was. She made a bit of room for him to sit beside her on the small hospital bed and when he sat down, he handed her the small baby. Her daughter. He couldn't believe she was a mother now, that he was a dad. That they were parents.

And the baby did have his eyes, even when closed he could see the faint outline and shape of them in her. It was so surreal. She had Ellie's everything else though. The few hairs on her head were blonde like hers and her little button nose had the same curve. Her tiny opened mouth kind of looked like the perfect mixture of each of them and that made him smile. Their baby was absolutely gorgeous.

"She's so perfect," Ellie said as she cooed the baby on her chest. Kellin kissed her head while she did. "How can someone so tiny be so perfect?"

"Takes after her mom," Kellin hugged Ellie and she cuddled easily against him, muffling a bashful laugh.

"I want everything for her," She said as the baby's tiny hands wrapped around her finger. "Let's give her everything Kel."

Kellin looked back at her and she looked right back at him, Kellin leaned his forehead against hers. "We will."

Ellie smiled and gave him a sweet kiss, Kellin smiled into it and it wasn't long before they were smiling fools with their baby in between them. When Kellin looked back to their girl he traced his index finger over the baby's rosy cheeks. And that's when it came to him.

"Penelope," he said in a heartbeat, the name popping up in his head like a sudden flash.

Ellie's smile reached her eyes so much that the skin around it started to wrinkle a bit. She nodded her head. She looked at the baby in her arms, thinking of all the other names they were pondering for months. At last, they knew.

"Penelope Sophia Quinn."

Kellin felt the tears prickling in his eyes. Perfect.

"Hi Penelope, welcome to the world..."

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