8 Running

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"And also, don't call me blood bag. I'm not." I just had to add it. I mentally face-slapped myself.

He raised his brow at me and looked at Serfan for a moment before looking back at me.

"Who is this girl then? If not. Blood bag." the guy examined me.

"She your new sanguis?" he asked Serfan, not taking his eyes off me. 

A what?

"She's- it's complicated, forgive her ignorance; the silly girl got herself into this mess due to her own stupid mistake. Do you remember when I told you about the eavesdropping human? That's right, it's her." He said almost in a mocking tone. I almost huffed, but one look back at him made me stop. I was flustered by the info shared about me with the other guy, embarrassment washed over me, and I shied my eyes away; till my neck hurt from the twist. 

"So, she isn't your anguish... then what are you gonna do with her? sell?" At the word "sell" my eyes snapped back up toward both men. Was he going to sell me? This was just getting worse and worse. The thought of getting 'sold' made me feel sick- these people were sick!

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down your heart. Gosh, didn't think you'd start hyperventilating," Serfan stepped forward. 

I put a hand on my chest and realized I was having an anxiety attack. I stepped away from both until my pace increased, and the next thing I knew, I was running away from them- not caring how much I was colliding with people.

I ran and ran through different hallways and couldn't even remember which way we came through. I doubted they would have let me go easily. I was running, mindlessly looking for a way out. Then suddenly, someone pulled me from the left side of my arm. I gasped at the sudden sharp pain in my forearm, (caused by being grabbed). 

"Now, now. stop running, little kitten."

Why does everyone keep calling me little?! My height isn't even that short (I'm 5'7). 


When she took off running like a scared helpless animal trapped among the hunters, in her white dress. Standing out among the people in their monotone colors in this room.

"Is she seriously running away?" Serfan stood there, in his position, with both hands on his waist. Anyone could've easily caught her with their speed, at least us. Vampires. 

Serfan was about to move to go get her. But something in me itched and I decided to go after her. "You wait here, I'll go and get her." Before I could get any reaction from him. I sprinted, already close to catching her. 

The odd, sweet smell of her was easy to follow that's for sure.

There I saw her dashing through the hallways. Her white dress swayed on her hips, and her hair bounced. A slight shine in them even when her hair was messy. 

Before she could run any further, I pulled her and pinned her to the wall. She looked at me, almost out of breath, her eyes widened- she looked like she was about to scream her lungs out until she 'realized' who it was, causing her to choke on her scream. 

"Now, now, stop running, little kitten." the words almost naturally came. 

From being anxious to instantly, anger flashed across her face. "Don't- don't call me a little kitten!" she was a little too angry for a person who was having an anxiety attack or had- I couldn't tell anymore, her heart racing cause of running. "Or what?" I asked, mocking.

"I'm not that short!" She yelled. I almost went in 'oh,' but I rather smirked. "Yes, your height is alright, but you are shorter than me."

"Let go of me," she yelled again, which was starting to annoy me.

"Stop yelling. A vampire has sensitive ears, and nothing more irks me than a human annoying voice shouting" I stated.

Maybe something I shouldn't have...

The next thing I knew she screamed at the top of her lungs in my ears and tried to run away again.

Oh, she shouldn't have done that.

I grabbed her again, and this time I hit her neck making her unconscious. Hope I didn't hit too hard out of being vexed.

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