2 The girl

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I pulled her in and shut the door closed locking it as my hand was already trembling from panic as to what was happing. I removed the tape from her mouth which was surely painful and the weird feeling I got removing it feeling her skin pulled as such it will peel of.

" I-I-I shouldn't stay he-" ''shhh," I hushed her putting my finger over my lips, quieting her up. I heard some more footsteps running down the hallway as they were trying their best to keep it quiet. I put my one ear on the door trying to listen to them closely and heard one person mummering,

"she wouldn't have gone too far" and they ran off farther down the hallway- I assume, cuz if I'm not wrong it felt they were here and then wasn't. when I turned around I saw the girl was standing between the two beds where Sara and Winter slept. tears were running down her eyes, she looked really scared and frightened and truth to be told I was shaken by the scene myself.

I walked toward her while assuring her. "They're gone," I kept repeating, but she shuffled backward while shaking her head in a 'no' motion. 

I grabbed her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes "hey!" In a silent scream I shook her to listen listen me.

"Listen, for now, they are gone. But you have to tell me what were they planning to do? Who are these people?" I realized at the moment I was throwing a bunch of questions at her, so I decided to first calm her down. "sorry" I whispered. as I looked down at my two friends making sure to not disturb their sleep.

 "here sit down" I made her sit down on the chair I was studying and poured her some water. " drink some water first, then tell me" she gulped the water down in seconds, taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.  

"were you the one who screamed?" I asked her, because of the tape she had on her mouth.

"the tape s-slipped of my mouth s-so took the chance a-and s-screamed" She went quiet momentary, for a moment the girls eyes wandered over to my two-room mattes. "they'll find me. I have to go back home but what will I tell my parents?"  the girl said between her cries. Pitying her I said " hey, it's okay we'll get you out of this place safely then we'll see about your parents. but first, you have to tell me what happened with you and... your name too." Right, I didn't even know her name. 

"It's Laura" she mumbled her name. "Laura. tell me what happened with you" I asked calmly.

"I was- I decided to go to the library to take some books for my tests I didn't give-" she broke down into crying mid-sentence.

It seems like something terrible had happened with her than anyone would expect. "suddenly, these two girls came up behind me and taped my mouth and started to drag me out, but that's not it I-I saw these three guys standing in the doorway- their eyes were glowing r-red. They looked so terrifying up close I do-don't know what they wanted from me." slumping down in her hand, Laura started to cry even harder, as probably the memory passed through her mind.

But the question was...

Who were these three guys- and what's with these eyes. her story was odd. This has never happened in our school before, but then why suddenly someone would dare to kidnap like that?

confused by these thoughts the image of them dragging Laura passed through my mind the hallway which led upstairs. My eyes widened at the thought, no way they were bringing her to the principle office?


"All students!" the anchor spoke.

when the attention of all students has pulled the anchor, which was the principal "nosy rat". Yup, that's what we call her. she called the principal which was odd since the principal rarely spoke to us. (the most non-interactive principal) I was standing here among the many students in the assembly.

I was feeling more anxious than I ever might have felt in my life.

It's like my ear was ringing; my hands were turned in a tight fist, covered in sweat as my nails dug in my skin. Though it wasn't hurting. I looked around- what if someone suspected me? Who helped the girl. what if I ended up next like her? 

I was pulled out of my thought when I heard the principal (who was in her mid-forties) "Ms. Chane" cleared her throat and spoke. 

"My dear students. I have an important announcement to make" her raspy yet stern voice came. since last night I have been thinking about one thing... why would some kidnaper take a student upwards in the building? The ground floor was where the library is, and the first floor where my dorm was near the stairs to the third floor which was only allowed for the staffs to use that led to the principal's.

"no one is allowed to go out of their dorm after twelve from now on. not even library. thank you." she ended and before anyone could question, she was gone. she never gave speeches as normal principals would, she would mostly make her most trusted the "nosy rat" students speak in her place. 

When she said "not even library" more 'sternly' like she wanted to make it clear more than anything. my suspicion toward her grew even more. Maybe it was obvious. But I had to know what she was doing, but getting myself into this. Would that be right? any sane person would say "No." 


now that Laura was in my room I don't know what to do. she was obviously too scared to go out and it was risky too. they might be still looking for her. I had no choice but to keep her in my room till morning then she can leave the school while I'll gather all of her important stuff and give it to her. But one little problem was... what if my roommates saw her? though they won't complain about her to anyone so it will be okay.

" you can sleep here with me for tonight" 

she was lost in her thoughts but as I said her eyes snapped back at me. 

"will that be o-okay? what about your roommates?" she looked at their sleeping bodies.

"don't worry about that. ill just tell them..." I thought for a valid reason "ya! I'll tell them you were here to study for a while and end up falling asleep." but did she even have the same subjects as me? I have never seen her before nor my friends have. when I looked at her it was clear she was thinking the same. " do you have by any chance economics?"

"oh? well Uhm, I don't have that. I have history, chemistry, and some other subject" 

Some other subjects?... well English was a common subject but who comes to study that. 

"I have  fine arts also," Laura spoke. Oh, That's great I also had that.

"good, I also have it." I don't know if it was enough for a reason. But we'll see.




"W- what is this?!" Winter scream rang in the room. 

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